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Recently, I got the chance to sit down with a young label executive and golden-fro’d man-about-town, Sam Haber, at Knight Moves Café. Over a London fog tea latte, we chatted about his many roles at Heartbreak Records (a record label he co-founded and co-runs). Unfortunately, the audio recording for that conversation was corrupted to all hell, so we had to reconvene over Zoom to get his story on the record. Our (lightly edited) conversation follows:

AH: Your birthday was recently, yeah?


SH: Yeah, 10 days ago.

AH: Happy belated birthday! Blessings, my guy. I wanted to start by asking you how you would describe yourself as a person.

SH: I’d describe myself as driven. Also particular, because I’m always trying to find the most efficient way to do things. I hate wasting my own time. I have so much to do on a daily basis, wasting time is not an option.

AH: Where would you say that your drive comes from?

SH: I want to leave a mark on the world. I don’t wanna die and have not done anything; I want to leave the world a better place than when I was born, you know?

AH: I hear that. That’s a heavy statement for a young person, but it’s an important way to move through the world. Why did you decide to start your own company?

SH: Me and [co-founder + co-CEO] Mocha were both making music in the sixth grade together. And we were looking at our inspirations and trying to figure out how we were gonna get bigger; what we discovered is that there’s nobody really from Boston that Boston artists can look up to who has really done that, who has really gotten super big and then continued to rep Boston. So if we’re gonna elevate ourselves and elevate people like us, we have to elevate the entire scene. We formed Heartbreak Records to bring Boston up as a community.

AH: What do you do at Heartbreak Records?

SH: I don’t have one particular job; I help with all the different branches. I’m in the studio a lot with artists. I do a lot of distribution. Anything that needs to be done, I’m helping with.