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helpmeet who desires to disciple and teach your children while you fulfill your biblical role of providing for your families.

The church needs to encourage husbands to support their wives in the area of biblical education and not be a stumbling block. It is the biblical responsibility of the husband and the father to be the spiritual leader in the home. Government schools are not neutral. They teach a religion that is the antithesis of scriptural truth. The majority of Christians are sending their children to be discipled in humanism. Churches need to encourage fathers to understand the importance of what the Bible says about their role as a husband and father. Pastors must preach the whole counsel of God. They must equip and encourage the men. Ephesians 4:12 states that the role of the church is to equip the saints (the parents) to disciple their children. Churches must be bold enough to teach biblical truth. If the men do not rise up, the church and Christianity will die. Where are the men?


missed the mark and the need for committed Christian men to take up the cross. Stream the show at raddio.net/14147-wxrq.

Now more than ever, Christians need to come together to fight this battle. The casualties of losing are the souls of our children.

God’s word tells us: “For where our treasures lie, is where our hearts will be.” Matthew 6:21.

And 1 John 2:7 tells us, “And the world passeth away and the lust thereof, but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever.”

We must decide which side of the battle we are on and we must be bold enough to go to battle.

Christian men, we need you.



I recently posed that question on my Free YOUR Children social media platform. The fight to save the souls of our nation’s children seems to have been delegated and is predominantly being led by women. Several nationally recognized groups come to mind that have been founded and are led by women.

Mothers are designed by God to be nurturers. By design, they protect and nurture their offspring. Now, many of them have taken up the cross to protect our nation’s children from indoctrination in government schools. Women have entered the battlefield, but where are the men?

Mothers are desperately seeking advice on how to convince their husbands that their most important work is raising and discipling the children that God has given them. Some reading this may be saying, “there is nothing wrong with women working.” That is not the point of this piece. The message I am conveying is this: it is not the responsibility of the government to be a surrogate parent.