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2022 Women in Security Awards Aotearoa: The Winners

The category winners and highly commended finalists of the 2022 Women in Security Awards Aotearoa were announced online just prior to Christmas. In case you missed it, here are the details!

In its third year, the Women in Security Awards Aotearoa (WiSAA) again proved a challenge for its expert judging panel, with a high quality field of nominees from across New Zealand’s security and resilience sector.

“In our third year it is extremely encouraging to see continued recognition of inspirational professionals from across the broader security and resilience sector,” said WiSAA cofounder Andrew Thorburn. “It is becoming more evident that as the sector matures it is characterised by increasing levels of inclusiveness and diversity.”

Organised by the New Zealand Security Sector Network (NZSSN) and supported by the international Women in Security & Resilience Alliance (WISECRA), the WiSAA initiative was established in 2020 to recognise women who have advanced the New Zealand security and resilience sectors.

Nominees must be women, or identify as women, and possess more than three years of experience in either the physical security, personnel security, information security, or resilience disciplines, and be actively practising in Aotearoa New Zealand.

This year’s WiSAAs included ten categories:

• Consultant – A professional who provides advice and expertise to (or in) organisations to help them improve their security and/or resilience performance.

• Investigator – A professional who examines a crime, problem, statement, etc. in order to discover the facts.

• Analyst – A professional who collects, processes, and/or analyses security information.

• Engineer – A professional working within software or hardware engineering that supports the security sector.

• Executive – A professional who develops and implements security strategies, policies, protocols and procedures, and controls budgets for security and/or resilience operations.

• Leader – A professional who leads a team or teams, such as a team leader involved in the recruiting, training and supervising of security officers, or an operations manager.

• Educator – A professional who teaches, informs or inspires others.

• Thought Leader – A professional who has expertise, insight, and a valuable perspective; one that challenges thinking, encourages colleagues and supports change.

• Indigenous Advocate – A professional supporting grassroots Indigenous movements to protect, respect, and fulfil the rights of their communities.

• Rising Star – An early career professional who is expected to achieve great things in the security and resilience sector.

WiSAA organisers were this year honoured to be joined by an expert judging panel reflecting the skills, experience and diversity of the sector, including nternational risk management, organisational resilience, and extreme events specialist Dr Bridgette Sullivan-Taylor; former New Zealand Defence Industry Association (NZDIA) CEO, IFSEC Global Influencer in Security, and 2021 WiSAA alumna Jennie Vickers; and ASIS International New Zealand Chapter Chair, respected security educator and 2020 WiSAA alumna Ngaire Kelaher CPP PSP.

And the winners are…

• Investigator: Kavita Chetty, New Zealand Automobile Association (AA New Zealand)

• Consultant: Natasha Pennell, FIRST Security

• Analyst: Aya Hashad, Auckland University of Technology (AUT)

• Engineer: Kirsten Nel, Gallagher Security

• Educator: Karoline Jacobs, Civil Aviation Authority & Aviation Security Service New Zealand

• Leader: Su Kaur, FIRST Security

• Executive: Meredith Palmer, Gallagher Security

• Indigenous Advocate: Denise Carter-Bennett, Datacom

• Thought Leader: Hilary Walton, Microsoft

• Rising Star: Abby Zhang, Kordia

Hilary Walton

Hilary Walton

Meredith Palmer

Meredith Palmer

In addition to the category winners, the WiSAA organisers also recognised the following select group of particularly highly performing finalists with Highly Commended citations:

• Consultant: Sandra Whitehead, Lotto NZ

• Leader: Angela Paul, Monitor New Zealand

• Thought Leader: Jeannette Mudge, 2 Degrees

• Indigenous Advocate: Tina Bautista, ZX Security

• Rising Star: Justina Koh, ZX Security

According to the organisers, this year’s WiSAA category winners and highly commended finalists will each receive award certificates and award logos and badges that can be used in social media, signature blocks, and other stationery.

The winners will also be featured in an upcoming series of Women in Security Award Aotearoa articles that will kick off in the upcoming April issue of NZSM. Stay tuned!