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Tips from the Educator's Playbook

Ask ChatGPT to generate articles on topics at your students' reading level.

You can also give it your existing articles and ask it to rephrase them, say, to a second-grade or 12th-grade reading level.

Ask ChatGPT to suggest activities.

The chatbot can generate entire lesson plans if you provide it with the standards and grade level. If you don't like what it gives you, you can prompt it to regenerate another one, this time with games or activities built into it. Go ahead, play with different prompts and have fun with it.

Focus on the process instead of the final product.

Using tools like Google Docs that track the development and evolution of the student product can help you be sure that it was not a copy/paste from ChatGPT.

Provide project-based learning scenarios.

These are student-driven scenarios driven by sustained inquiry and anchored in local, authentic, real-world contexts. (e.g., Why does my neighborhood have such high rates of asthma? Or: What is the most equitable way to elect a government?) Because answers to these sorts of questions don’t already exist, ChatGPT can’t be misused. Students can only use this technology to inform their work, just like they use the internet now, but would need to think through the ideas and extrapolate to their own contexts.

Looking for MORE ADVICE from experts?

These tips are adapted from The Educator’s Playbook, a Penn GSE newsletter that distills faculty research into useful advice for educators and parents. Visit penng.se/playbook to sign up.

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