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Issuu team finds love: The Executives

We got to know the issuu team a little bit better and set them up to match with a publication that they’d be sure to swipe right on. See if your interests match with any of the issuuees and check out their fav publication for yourself. Last week we met the team that we fondly refer to as the Eagles which you can check out here. Now this week you can learn all about the executives’ publication preferences.

issuu CFO Rolf starts us off with a surefire swipe on the cutting edge art magazine, Panta

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Upward Magazine, an indie travel mag based out of NYC is product VP John’s choice. Check out Upward starring in an issuu spotlight video here.

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Fernando, the head of sales at issuu, finds a magazine that matches his passions in Competitor Magazine, all about outdoor running. 

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Paul, the marketing VP, finds his escape in this gorgeous travel mag called Escapism.

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And finally, our CEO Joe finds old time issuu friend and Generator, Tom Tom Magazine, is his perfect match.

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Now that the issuu executives are settled down with their perfect match of a publication, it’s your turn. Visit our explore page and swipe through our favorite finds. Let us know if you match with your fairy-tale publication @issuu, and tune in next week to find out who our design team swiped right on. 

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