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Video Marketing Ideas for Small Businesses

Thanks to The Issuu Story Cloud‘s suite of integrated digital publishing tools, content creation for small businesses is easy. From Story Articles to Visual Stories, to Shopping Links and Digital Sales, small businesses can scale up their content with a few simple steps. Today, let’s talk about the power of video marketing. Small business video marketing is a simple addition to your marketing strategy that will reap great returns. First, let’s see how you can use video marketing for small businesses on Issuu.


Adding video marketing tactics to your Issuu content is easy. Simply design your content with YouTube or Vimeo links directly on the page. When published, the videos will autoplay directly on the page. Resulting in a totally immersable experience for your readers.

Here’s what small businesses leveraging video marketing have to say about Embedded Video on Issuu:

“We like Issuu video tools because it allows us to bring our video magazine online to those who can’t access our print. It allows us to still be innovative in such a crowded landscape.”– Ibrahim Kamara, Co-Founder Guap

“Using videos in our magazine, gave us a new view on the platform. Working with Issuu on the embedded video feature, gave us an amazing 400% more viewers.” – Christian Milbo, Chief Editor 

5 Ideas:

Here’s 5 small business video marketing ideas to turn your content into an immersive experience. Thus, increasing your audience, impressions, and sales.

Introduce the Owner

Now more than ever, customers want to understand exactly where and from whom their products and services come from. Thus, it’s imperative to give your audience an understanding of your business’ owners and employees. A simple small business video marketing tactic is to create show “Intro” videos of the key people running the show. Whether it’s a short Q&A, fast fun facts, or simply having your employees answer one witty question. Your customers will appreciate and applaud the addition to your marketing strategy. Additionally, that video content can live on social, be used as promotional collateral, and be published within your Issuu content.

Behind the Scenes Look

First, introduce your small business owners and employees. Second, give your audience a video marketing experience all about your products and services. Your audience and customers want to fully understand the product and service they’re buying into. But, all of that info doesn’t need to come in the form of clunky text. Instead, create “how-its made” and “office/studio tour” style video content sharing all the details.

Eye-Catching Covers

Small business video marketing doesn’t need to be lengthy to be effective. Instead, think small and think strategically. Take this V Magazine video cover for example. It’s only a few short seconds but adding a video to the front page of the content sure does pack a punch. So, experiment with your small business video marketing tactics and see how your audience reacts!

Customer Testimonials  

Small business video marketing is a great way to give an in-depth understanding of your business’ owners and employees. Additionally, it’s a great way to share more from your customers. Let video marketing be your go-to customer testimonial tactic. Instead of flat text testimonials and reviews, let your customers do the talking with emotion and emphasis. This is sure to add great credibility to your business.

Events & More 

Lastly, look to video marketing as a “catch-all” for the various happenings of your small business. Have an event coming up? Or a conference or holiday party? Simply hire a videographer during key moments for your business. Now, you will have an entire library of video content that you can leverage down the road.

Ready for more content marketing ideas? Check out our Content Marketing Strategy Guide

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