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Tips for Pricing Your Magazine

Sell Magazines Online with Issuu…

If you want to sell a digital magazine, Issuu makes it simple. But when independent creators are looking to sell their publications, the idea of pricing can be intimidating. How you price your magazine to sell on Issuu is totally up to you. You know your audience best, so you can survey them or test different prices over time to find out what they’re willing to pay and how valuable they find your content. We’ve got a few tips for best practices on pricing your magazine.

  • Single issues of digital magazines are typically priced in the $3-6 USD range.

  • If you are also selling a print version, the digital version is generally priced at 20-60% of the print price.

  • Digital magazine subscriptions are typically priced at 20-40% discount on the price of buying each issue individually, and the longer the subscription term is, the bigger the discount.

  • A price that feels too high may keep readers from purchasing.

  • A price that feels too low may make readers think the content is low quality.

A quick tip on generating sales for your magazine: Give your readers a couple of peeks in the pages of the publication so they can be sure that your content is worth spending money on. Our tools allow you to select which pages you’d like to show as samples before your readers make their full purchase –– you can choose as many (or as few) as you’d like.

Ready to sell your magazine online? Get started with Issuu’s digital sales.

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