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Remix Your Content and Take Your Digital Presence to the Next Level

As part of the 2020 year-in-review publication, Issuu predicted the top ten marketing trends of 2021. The trend coming in at #4 was “Remixing content for different channels”. Today, we are going to dig into what exactly this means and how you can remix your own content to vastly increase the effectiveness and lifespan of your marketing and promotional efforts.

list of 10 content marketing and publishing industry trends of 2021

To start, let’s clarify what exactly “remixing content” means. Yes, it is similar to a remix in the music industry. No, this does not mean adding EDM beats to your social media content. 

The basic idea of remixing content is to take a single piece of content on one platform and transform it into a variety of different mediums, so that you can use the same content on multiple platforms.

What exactly are the benefits of remixing my content?

Remixing content allows you to continue to take advantage of content that really resonates with your audience, rather than wasting time and resources trying to constantly think of different ways to express the same idea. Constantly trying to reinvent can lead to burnout and can leave you with a variety of missed opportunities when you generate a specific piece of content that “really works” and do not fully take advantage of this successful messaging. 

Lets dive into this further with an example. 

Say you have recently written a blog post that has gotten extremely high engagement. Rather than solely marketing the blog itself, it is beneficial to take this blog content and transform it so that you can continue to capitalize on this success via new channels outside of the blog format. In doing so, you expand the audience your content reaches, and it can allow you to see similarly high engagement rates across varying platforms by using similar material.

You can easily take this blog content and use it create content for a variety of different sources including:

  • Instagram and Facebook posts and stories

  • A series of Twitter posts

  • A video or podcast discussing the blog

  • Smaller quotes to feature on a website

  • A deck or other presentation materials

Remix Content With Issuu

Here at Issuu, we understand how important it is to be able to seamlessly and quickly transform one piece of content into a variety of formats. Taking advantage of various Issuu features is the perfect way to begin remixing your content.

Articles: Share individual articles from within a larger publication that are quick to read, highly engaging, and optimized for mobile platforms. 

Social Posts: Boost your social media presence by quickly remixing your Issuu content into visual stories compatible with Instagram, Facebook, or Snapchat Stories.

GIFs: Customizable GIFs allow you to create a piece of social content that is instantly engaging and transform a full Issuu publication into a single stunning visual.

2020 made it clear that the world of marketing is constantly shifting and adapting, with new trends and platforms appearing every day. Take advantage of Issuu’s top trends predictions, and optimize your brand for the world of digital commerce by remixing your content.

If you would like to take a closer look at more of the top ten marketing trends of 2021, check out the Issuu blog.

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