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Introducing Issuu’s Publisher of the Month

Noticed anything different about our Facebook, Twitter and other social media channels lately? Don’t worry — we’re here to tell you all about it. In case you missed it, the banners on our social channels have been changing every month, which is all part of the program we’re calling Publisher of the Month. We originally started the Publisher of the Month series to feature standout publishers while keeping things fresh across our social channels.

The idea expanded when we figured we could give our featured publishers a voice through our social channels, too. That’s why the Publisher of the Month program you see today features much more than a shout out on the header images. Along with the feature, we let them share their thoughts about creating their magazine, the art of digital publishing and the industry in general on our blog. Some featured publishers have even taken over our Instagram account in order to give you a behind-the-scenes look at what a day in or out of “the office” looks like for them.

The Publisher of the Month series is a chance for us to celebrate and share the amazing publications we see on issuu every day, and to give people the opportunity to learn more about the people behind the publication. We’re excited to keep showcasing the cool publishers that make issuu so great, and hope you enjoy the advice and experiences these publishers share.

If you’re interested in being a part of this experience, email and tell us about yourself, your publication and what you would like to share with the world as an issuu Publisher of the Month. Or, feel free to nominate any outstanding publisher you’ve come across on issuu you think should be featured.

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