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Preview Wedding Photography Albums for Clients on Issuu

Wedding photography is unique because it blends professionalism and intimacy. Issuu helps wedding photographers navigate this precious balance and propel their career forward.

Find and communicate with clients

Nowadays many photographers find clients online and through social media. Therefore, it makes sense that all aspects of the customer journey are integrated online. Respected wedding photographer Amy Woodward Taylor recommends you “overdeliver” [1]. This means responding to all questions, making photos easily accessible online, and being personable. Give people an exclusive experience that feels like a special part of their adventure together.

a bride and groom walking down the aisle

Experts also recommend only showing imagery to your clients that you want to shoot in the future [1]. If you hate posed portrait photography then don’t include as much of it in your preview. So, when referring others they can communicate your style which attracts clients you want to work for. This builds your brand. Issuu embeds, unlisted publications, and sales are all features wedding photography uses that create this approachable and accessible experience.

How Issuu can help

a man and woman sitting on the ground
Now we know how clients want to be treated, so lets discuss how Issuu helps you achieve these goals. One of the most important things you can do as a wedding photographer, as mentioned above, is curate that exclusive special experience. When choosing their wedding photos clients don’t want the entire world peering in as well. So, we created unlisted publications not listed on Only those with a link can access. Couples can browse their content in a beautiful intuitive format out of the public eye.

More: List your Publication Privately on Issuu

While it is your job to create a beautiful record of the couple’s special day, it is also your responsibility to maintain your business. You can personalize your embeddable reader with your brand. This communicates not only professionalism but also helps you stand out. It reminds them of the kind of artist you are.

But don’t stop there! Sell your photography as an experience. Create wedding memory books that you can sell directly, and safely, from the embedded reader through our integration with Stripe. No design expertise? No worries. Issuu has designed professional templates that are easily transformed into both wedding photography previews and more.

How to use our features

As you are uploading your preview be sure to address you “AVAILABILITY” settings. Select “UNLISTED” under the publication visibility section. Once uploaded it will be marked in grey as “UNLISTED” in our publication workspace.

graphical user interface, application, Word

A link is automatically generated that you can share with clients. Only those with the link can access your wedding photography. Which means you should not post the link publicly, because this runs the risk of it being picked up by another search engine making it accessible on the larger Internet. All accounts, except Optimum, have a limit on the number of unlisted publications you are permitted. However, you can purchase more. 100 unlisted publications are only $5.

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We Asked Wedding Photographers for Their Top Business Tips

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