Illustration of a cell phone and a coffee mug

A New Look at Design: Inspiration from Issuu Users

In recent years design has become increasingly recognized as a crucial part of any business, regardless of size, industry, perspective, or budget. Design tools and design thinking have become extremely accessible, and are now broadly used terms that have firmly embedded themselves into the worlds of business and marketing.

Here at Issuu, we are proud to be able to provide a platform for unique and groundbreaking individuals and companies that push the boundaries of design, and continuously generate content that genuinely speaks to users through visual and conceptual design techniques. The following publications each demonstrate unique and valuable design elements, and are perfect examples of how companies can use design to increase engagement, reach, and social presence.

1. Content Magazine’s use of proportion, balance, and contrast

The visual elements of design are perhaps the most identifiable characteristics of the broad field of design, and lay the foundation for essentially all work in the design field. In this edition of Content Magazine, the design elements of proportion, balance, and contrast are executed in a way that creates immense visual appeal and effectively displays the identity of Valley Wolf in a way that immerses the viewer and clearly portrays the message of the brand. The end result is a publication that effectively captivates the reader and works to increase engagement and interaction with the brand. 

2. RedBull Media House’s example of brand cohesion

Design and marketing are two innately connected fields, and it is essential that all marketing and design content works together to contribute to a single, unified, brand image. This Red Bull Media House publication is an impressive example of this unified messaging in design. Before even consciously recognizing the publisher of the article, or the logo on the rider’s back, the stunning imagery, filled with a sense of action and thrill, makes it immensely clear that the publisher is Red Bull. The image and design of the page perfectly mirror Red Bull’s brand identity and help create a seamless experience across all content created by Red Bull. 

3. Haute Magazine’s clear social purpose and message

Perhaps the most important part of modern design, is the message behind the content you produce. As our global society becomes increasingly socially and politically conscious, it is important that companies and designers tailor their work to this new understanding, and make a concerted effort to clarify what their brand stands for. The message in this article clearly indicates to the viewer what Haute Magazine’s perspective is on the COVID-19 crisis and the article works to create a community with like-minded viewers. As Haute magazine expertly portrays, making a statement through your design work is key to growing a brand in today’s world.

As these Issuu users demonstrate, design is a tool that can be leveraged to benefit your business regardless of size or industry. Design principles and design thinking can be implemented in almost any circumstance, and can work not only to increase your business’s visual presence, but can fundamentally shift the very way you approach your messaging and content. Take a look through other Issuu publications, and get inspired by the thousands of users innovating in the design space.

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