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How Island Cruising NZ Quadrupled Their Customer Base with Issuu

Racing boat on the sea

Navigating the digital seas is no easy task for tourism professionals when every channel is filled with content aiming to grab the attention of eager travelers. It takes passion, a mission to create meaningful content, and a powerful digital publishing tool to stand out amidst the competition. Island Cruising is the nautical adventure company that has them all and does it best: crafting engaging content and chronicling the fantastic journeys of their rally participants in the Pacific with Issuu.

If you're a travel professional, sailing enthusiast, or someone who simply loves the thrill of adventure, then you're in for a treat. In this case study, we dive into how Island Cruising leverages Issuu's powerful features to expand their customer base, amplify their social media presence, and massively boost advertising opportunities. Read on to learn more:

Looking to market your destination across all channels and put it at the top of bucket lists? Check out our Travel & Tourism page to learn how.
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