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5 Steps to Create Shareable Blog Content

Apr 29th, 2020 by Issuu

When scrolling through social media, we aren’t just looking at what our friends ate for lunch or what the latest celebrity purchase is. We’re constantly spreading ideas and opinions- often by sharing articles and posts created by others. But what is it that compels us to share this content? We scroll past certain posts and share others, what drives us to make that decision? And how can we gain a better understanding that we can use when making our own content?

Let’s walk through how to make shareable blog posts.

Research Makes Good Content

Easy enough, right? However, for a majority of us, we have to do our research: What’s trending? What is going on in the world right now? What do people need at this moment? One useful tool for this is Google Trends, where you can search for what people are looking for by geographical location or topic. This can include news and current events, which can color what you’re writing about. Another useful resource is Pinterest. It’s a treasure trove of insight into what people care about and are looking at, compiled neatly by consumers!

Read more: Check out our Content Calendar Ideas for our research each month

The biggest secret to shareable content is that the content has to be something the reader cares about. A UCLA psychology study verifies that we are compelled to share with others what we find “helpful, amusing, or interesting”. So, why should the reader care about what you’ve written?

An Eye-Catching Headline Could Be All You Need

Sometimes, an article isn’t even read before it’s shared. In those instances, the headline alone was enough for the reader. A study by the French National Institute and computer scientists at Columbia University finds that as many as 59% of shared social media links aren’t clicked on. They are shared based on the headlines alone.

A headline should:

  • Be short enough to read while scrolling (

    This article

    is a perfect example)

  • Summarize the article which it is attached to (Listicles make for fun and direct headlines)

  • Like the content, it should make the reader


    something (Laughter or curiosity get a lot of shares, if not clicks)

You have only a few seconds of scrolling to rope in a reader, make them count!

Layout and Structure are Key

Good content means nothing if your reader can’t easily read your post. We already wrote a blog about how to structure your blog posts for best readability, so check that one out for a more in-depth look.

For now, here are some key ideas to focus on:

  • Use keywords in the introduction

  • Utilize Headings and Sub-headings

  • Break up text with visual content

  • End with a strong conclusion

Make It Easily Shareable

Sure, copying a URL and posting it on your social media is an option, but who wants to put in all that effort? One-click sharing is the best way to quietly encourage your readers to share your posts. Start with the big three: Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Add more options catering to your audience- one example is LinkedIn for professionals.

Remember to make the share buttons easy to see and find to maximize the likelihood of them being clicked!

Finish Off Strong

The best closing is a Call-to-Action. Sharing or subscribing are the most common actions. They’re direct, which can be good. However, to keep readers coming back, consider having them further invest in your work. Have them think about it and invite them to participate either in the comments section or in their shares.

Do you have any hot tips on how you make good blog content? Let us know in the comments!