20 minute read

Spiritual Insight with Clear Light of Heart Coaching & Wellness

Happy Birthday and happy New Year to you Cancer. This year has been pregy difficult for you. The pandemic and social distancing have caused you to be more introverted than normal. It’s okay to go “within your shell.” The still waters within you run deep. So even though you may feel obligated to spend time with your partner, family members and other social groups, its important to be aware of your actual capacity. Its okay to say “no” and to accept that “no” can be a complete sentence. Sometimes people are aware of your good nature and you struggle with not getting taken advantage of- remember it's okay to keep a healthy boundary. This birthday will be a significant one. You will have a lot of change this month. A birthday ritual is suggested. For example, lighting a Birthday candle and dressing it in a favorite perfume or oil and writing down your intentions for your new year. Write down your intentions, what you would like to do with your life, your goals, your partner. While the candle burns imagine all of your intentions, goals, and visions coming to pass. Its going to be a new year and a new you. On your birthday remember to get into that habit of self-care and embracing and expressing yourself in ways that will help you con5nue beautifully throughout the future. Single Cancers this is the time to really work on yourself and your passions and allow yourself to be the focus. If you are single, have no fear- a love interest of your choice is just right around the corner. You have been through a lot of change, shedding the old and incorporating the new. Its important to bring all parts of yourself healed to the relationship so you don’t have to repeat past relationship trauma. Cancers in a relationship: This a great time for you and your partner to embark on a new adventure. Perhaps further embracing some of your altruistic passions, such as volunteering together, or spending 5me at your local puppy pound. It will bring you both closer and help you to bring forth a vibration of peace into your relationship and the world around you. Let passion lead your heart so that you and your partner can embrace all the newness that is coming your way.

Monthly Affirmation: All my rela5onships are harmonious. I create Love and harmony all around myself.

Happy Birthday and Grand rising to you too Gemini. You have been going through a time of reflection. You have been feeling very reflective in regards to looking back into the past and recalling some of the positive memories that you have been having. You are all about change this month. You want something and someone new- you are ready for the change. So for you your motto is, “I am ready for who and what is ready for me.” Now is a good time to get into journaling and other types of interpersonal reflection such as meditating, and yoga. These types of healing modalities are going to help you remain grounded and admit all the new change that is coming for you this month. A journal is a good safe place to process all these emotions that will come up for you. Gemini in love: You and your partner are in a very passionate space so you will be experiencing a lot of intimacy. It’s a great time to try new things, new positions, and bring other things into the bedroom. Embrace freedom. It’s going to be a hot month for you Gemini.

Single Gemini: It’s time to finally break away from that toxic person once and for all. Some people like to take advantage of your kindness and flexibility. It’s okay to walk away. Some people come into your lives for a time and not a lifetime. It’s time to let go of the one you thought you would always know.

Monthly affirmation: Those I love, love me too.

June is a great month of introspection for you Leo. You have been contemplating the changes that need to be made so that you can truly live in your heart space, expansively. For you that looks like not returning to the negative energy that some people are giving you. Whether it’s your workplace, a failed relationship, or some troll on social media- you are more clearly and actively creating a healthy boundary. You are being mindful of the people you allow in your inner circle. Some people who have been there for “years” and seemingly had your back are the same people that you have to lovingly open the door to invite them to exit out of your life. Good for you Leo! You have embraced a painful lesson and now know some people are just in our lives for a reason and a season and that you cannot take everyone with you. Your spirit guides, Guardian angels and other beings of the light encourage you to energetically shield yourself from people who would take advantage of your exuberant personality. It’s perfectly okay to cut ties with people for the rest of your life time. It’s also perfectly okay to cut ties with someone for a reason and a season. Meditate and trust your guides to help lead you to weed out and invite the right people into your life. Although it is uncomfortable, and change often is- you are seeing a new foundation for yourself that is going to create a peaceful and prosperous life.

Single Leos: If you are single this is a great time to respond and weed through some of those, crushes, or love interests that were sliding into to your DMs. It’s okay to be selective, or to embrace all this new found adoration that you will be receding this month. You are taking a stance and embracing your authentic self- don’t be surprised if many people are attracted to you because of this.

Leos in love: If you are in a relationship be ready to take things to the next level. Whatever that means to you Leo. You and this person have been

going pretty strong for a while, this might mean moving in together, taking that trip, or meeting your partner’s parents. Have no fears, you and your person put the effort in and you’re ready for the next step whatever you both decide that is.

Monthly affirmation: I create space for all of life’s newness.

Happy June Virgo you are embracing all this new spring time energy and planning and watering positive seeds of joy in your life. Let’s face it- you have a lot to be grateful for and you know it. When you go places people can see, feel and know that you are a person of great abundance and choose to pour your gifts out to the world, and those who you are called to influence. The energy around the newness that you want to bring into your life is so good right now. Things are really working out for you even things that you didn’t think would ever become possible are coming to pass right now in this month. Because of this, your energy is contagious. People whom you haven’t seen or heard from will be seeking to reach out. Be careful they might see how well you are doing. This is also a month of great introspection for you Virgo. It’s okay to embrace being alone and your introverted tendencies may not be understood by all. But it is important for you to recharge so that you can do more of what you need and want to do to create lasting happiness for your life. Remember you are the author of your life and life is happening for you, no to you. So ponder this month, what do I want to create?

Single Virgos: There is someone from your past, a relationship, boo, booty call that is deceiving you. Don’t be too quick to give a second chance. Remember everything isn’t always as it seems- keep this in mind while on dating apps. It’s important to exercise some caution right now in regard to dating.

Virgos in love: Wow Virgo, if you are in a relationship right now, you have found someone who is completely compatible with you. All of that hard work, personal self-work and introspection has paid off. Look at this person as a blessing from the Universe. They are here to help you complete your life’s mission and oh they are your soulmate. So they are there to provide a lifetime of fun and companionship. Now is a great time to celebrate this new found love by spending time, and engaging in each other’s hobbies.

Monthly Affirmation: I give myself the appreciation that I deserve.

This is a very expansive month for you Libra. There have been many ups and downs and many seasons of change throughout the 2020-2021 timeline. Your higher self has been working with you to help decipher what it is that you really and truly want for your life. Don’t be surprised if you are propelled to a new person, spiritual group, hobby that you have always wanted to do. This is also a great time for you to switch careers, ask for that promotion, apply for a higher paying, and ranking position within the organization that you're currently working for. The balance that you have been imposing on yourself is helping you to move forward in creating balance in the community, and the places that you are called to influence. You have done the work now you are ready to help others and embrace the world around you.

Libra in love: You have been experiencing a lot of changes within your relationship. In some ways you and your person have seemingly grown apart. It’s okay to separate from your partner. Even if it is just for a time. There is something that you both need to work out independently before you can begin a new.

Single Libra: You have someone coming in for you. If you severed ties with that past person, make sure that you did your healing work of self-care. Because, Honey this new person is the one who you have been looking for! They match your personality, wit and intelligence. However it’s important to recognize that if you pour too much of yourself too quickly into the relationship/ situationship you could become consumed and lose a lot of yourself. Remember to keep your identity.

Monthly affirmation: I am worthy, lovely, and loved.

There has been a lot of change and shifting of the familiar people, places and things that you are used to engaging with. You have done some really good work. You have been working on yourself, working out and changing you and people have been taking notice. In some of your new social settings people are really noticing the new and improved you. Your physical appearance is really reflecting your inward beauty. But, remember to remain humble when receiving compliments. You are also now becoming more financially secure and being able to make the moves that you have been longing to make in regard to creating the life that you want. You are working on the many options that the Universe has provided to you. You have been working on yourself for a long time and all the positive seeds that you have planted are ready to come to fruition. Remember to choose wisely, you don’t have to make all your choices at once.

Single Scorpios: Keep up the great work in regard to working on yourself. The more you love and value yourself, you will call in the love that you desire. That perfect partner who you have been praying for, manifesting, and seeking is seeking you too. Be ready to cross paths with this person in June. It’s going to be a fiery month for you.

Scorpios in love: Wow you and your person have been embracing bringing passion into your life. You love each other dearly. You are co-creating the destiny that you truly wanted. Love is flowing through and to the both you. Keep embracing the change and enjoy the journey your two are becoming more solid day after day, moment to moment.

Monthly affirmation: Everything I seek has been seeking me. What I desire, desires me. .

This is a month of reflection and change for you. You have been trying to organize and keep things in order in regards to your social life and work balance. You are not currently satisfied with what you are doing in your life and that’s okay. The one thing about being the author of your life is you can change the page, alter the characters and re-work the story as you see fit. You are also experiencing some confusion. You may have also been stuck in the past looking back to see where things went wrong. It’s important to remain in the present moment. The past has already happened, and there is a lot of power in seeking to create and promote change in your life and the lives around you. Even though this has been a place of uncomfortability- that can be a place of expansiveness for your life as well. A word of encouragement for you this month, focus on what you need and what you want and stay open to possibility. Sagigarius in love: You are in an expansive place in regard to love. When manifesting it’s important to focus on what and who you want. You and your partner have been struggling in regards to relating to one another. Remember to embrace each other, and seek to spend more time together. Plan a date night, a road trip, mani- pedis if you want to. It’s all about spending time which will create a deeper connection between the both of you.

Single Sagittarius: The new moon and the full moon will be a very powerful time for you this month. Embrace the positive and negative forms of yourself. There has been a familiar love interest that you have been dealing with. Give yourself a generosity of spirit to focus on who and what you want. Remember there isn’t really a right or wrong about these things. Just be mindful to treat people as you would like to be treated. Do you really want to be in an open relationship OR a booty call. Just get clear on what you want and seek that.

Monthly affirmation: I create a space to welcome in newness

This is going to be a month of change, and balance. It’s 5me to stop being so critical of yourself and others. You have been pretty exhausted in regards to relationships and work and home balance. You have been pretty overwhelmed with all the responsibilities that you have assumed. There has been someone in your life whom you have lost contact with that wants to reconcile with you. It’s important to question why this person might want to come back into your life at this time. It’s also important in regards to this new month that you have a balance between things you want to do and things that you have to do.

Capricorn in love: You and your partner are really beginning to know each other better. Your partner is a very family oriented person. They may want to show you off, take you to the family BBQ. It’s cool if that’s cool with you. You may feel that things are happening too fast. Be sure to communicate your needs to your partner and embrace the process of deepening your connection with your person.

Single Capricorn: Take the plunge with this new love interest. You have been wondering, waiting and wishing for this person to make the first move. Guess what- they did.. OR they are going to and all you have to do is sit back and embrace the process and allow and welcome this new connection into your life. It seems like you are going to embrace a “go with the flow type” of process.

Monthly affirmation: I choose to embrace love in spite of it all.

Let’s be honest- this is going to be a difficult month for you. There has been a lot of chaos and confusion that you may have invited into your inner circle. It’s been a struggle for you to find peace within your social and romantic relationships. Have you been engaging in more gossip? It’s important to take responsibility for the people, places and things that you invite into your life. You are conflicted about letting people go and seeking to embrace peace. It’s important to not play the victim to embrace change as you’re provoked to release things. Spirit, the Universe, the higher power are asking you to create boundaries within yourself and others.

Aquarius in love: It’s time to talk about whatever the elephant in the room is between you and your partner. Maybe even seek professional help through a therapist or life coach. Not talking about it, and pushing your emotions down.. or projecting them onto one another are truly harmful and unhealthy ways to deal. Seek a more proactive approach if this resonates with you.

Single Aquarius- This is a good time to be single. To focus on you. Your wants and desires and whatever types of people, places and things that you would like to have in your life. The more solid you get within yourself, the more you will be able to attract the type of partner that will resonate for your greatest and highest good.

Monthly affirmation: I choose myself.

The month of June is going to involve a lot of self-reflection in regard to change. You might be dealing with some situational depression. It’s important to reach out to those loved ones and people who would like to support you. The more time you take to heal from past wounds, or family trauma you will reach back and heal the ancestors and move forward and heal your descendants. This month try counseling, a life coach, healer, holistic practitioner, or tarot reader about the newness and change that you are seeking to invite within your life. Remember to pause, take breaks, go on walks, meditate and pray. Do whatever it takes to keep yourself grounded.

Pisces in love: Your partner is coming in with a love offer of commitment. Your partner is ready to embrace some type of change with you. You two are ready to take that new trip or that new big purchase that you have been waiting to make. Great! Good for you- you made it. Keep up the great momentum in your relationship.

Single Pisces: You are waiting, wanting, and wishing for that new person to come and talk to you. Give you their number, and seek them out. It’s okay to be the one to be the first to text, call, or meet up. Seek out what you want. The more you plant positive seeds within this new connection, the more you will be able to expand on where you both want to go together.

Monthly affirmation: I forgive myself, I choose to forgive others.

This month those decisions and choices that you have been struggling to make will become clearer, especially about what you should do next. Before you make a choice about any type, take a couple of deep breaths, and be careful to not make a choice out of fear. You will have time to seek out those important people in your life that you call to speak into your life, and give you some good advice about these changes that you are seeking to make. There was something that you have to leave out of your life and let go of in the month of May. It appears that you have been struggling with someone in your life, a love interest or family member. Have you been having trouble sleeping? What are you fighting through? If you follow the guidance of spirit you will be able to work through this difficult time. Time in reflection could be very helpful. Another question that might be important for you to ponder is, “What is my offering, to whom am I offering?” Do you need to spend more time being poured into instead of pouring your energy out?

Aries in love: This new love that you have stepped into is just what the doctor ordered. The guides, spirit and your Guardian Angels, have been guiding you to this person. Ask yourself, how you and this new person can move into the future together. What types of plans do you both have for each other? These are helpful things to talk about together.

Single Aries: It’s time to turn away from this love interest that is treating you like an option. A person who treats you as a second thought really shouldn’t be a first priority of ours. You are so much beger than that. So get back out there, go to that coffee shop, get back on the dating app. But, don’t be someone else's side piece or second thought.

Monthly affirmation: I prepare myself for the life that I want.

June is going to be a great month of self-improvement for you. You have been expressing yourself, journaling, meditantig, and finding other ways to keep yourself grounded. Your emotional intelligence is really growing. People have been turning to you for advice as they see the change and all the emotional and social emotional development and want some of the good stuff that you got going on. It’s okay to give to others as you give to yourself if you have capacity and a healthy boundary to do so. People are seeing the change in you and all the inward work that you have been doing and that is paying off. This is a victory lap for you and your ancestors, your spirit guides, and everyone is cheering for you to continue your process. Keep looking forward and set your goals, your future is looking very promising. It’s important to manifest your goals, and visions you know, all that stuff that you have been keeping to yourself in your mind. Work on that.

Taurus in love: The relationship that you are currently in is going through some major changes. Roles, and preferences may be changing. That doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Remember anything is okay as long as you and your person agree to it.

Single Taurus: You are being more selective with what you are invi5ng in your life. That’s a good thing. Yes there are plenty of fish out there. That doesn't mean that they all have to be on your hook. Everyone shouldn’t have access to you, remember to keep up a healthy boundary when you are out there seeking some love, comfort and companionship.

Monthly affirmation: I choose to dwell on what I love.

Clear light of the heart life coaching and wellness is owned and operated by: Shannen Clark.

Shannen is a therapist a certified licensed life coach LLC, Spiritualist, Tarot reader, Spiritual consultant and interfaith minister.

Please reach out for a spiritual consultation, reading or Spiritual advice at Clear light of the Heart Services: Seclark1@gmail.com 315-877-4107 and follow our Facebook back at Clear light of the heart- Facebook Page

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