2 minute read

Living In The Light 

Okay, let’s talk….

Welcome back babies to my little corner of the world! So, this year is fastly coming to a close, and damn, has it been a year. This is going to be brief, but as we prepare to celebrate another holiday under this pandemic, I want to take a moment to reflect over this year, and its highs, and lows. Starting with COVID-19, this year began throwing us all in devastating and life altering situations of social paranoia, health scares, financial hardships, protests, a number of personal and professional losses, and a shortage of toilet paper, and 70% rubbing alcohol. However, In spite of all that, we still found ways to come together and fight for justice, and help right the wrongs of racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, and police brutality that has plagued our communities for far too long, just from the sanctuary of our own homes.

We have become masters at Zoom. Zoom meetings, Zoom parties, Zoom concerts, etc. all have become the norm, and the daily part of our lives. Not for nothing, I have to admit, as an introvert, that whole quarantine for those first couple months from much human interaction was a little piece of heaven on earth for me. That’s not to dismiss that there were those who did not, or could not find it at all enjoyable, and for them I empathize. Yet, we made it through, not without our own personal scares in some way, but we made it. For those that did not make it to this point with us, we should remember and honor their memory with each day given to us. And If anyone should feel that they haven’t learned a thing this year, all you need do is look at this past election. That in and of itself should teach anyone the power of unity, and what occurs when a community comes together to incite change. That’s definitely something to celebrate, the dawn of a new administrative government, and the hopes that things could bring ALL of us back to some type of peace of mind for our lives and our loved ones.

So as we celebrate as best we can throughout the rest of this year, and walk wearily, but with our heads held high to the horizon of a new year, let us be grateful for what we’ve been through, and the strength it has given us to persevere through whatever comes our way. For what 2020 has taken, it has also given even more; the knowledge to make 2021 as successful, and abundant as it can be for us all.

With love, this is your girl Javannah saying, Happy Holidays, and be good to you!