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Coin Award Winner Monty Edwards

Coin Award Winner - Monty Edwards

Water Utilities Supervisor 2

What do you love most about your job?

I would say meeting new people and creating good long last relationships, and friendships. I met some of my closest friends working here. Also, just this morning I was working with a man from Indonesia. I also get the opportunity to pass along my knowledge to new younger employees for the future of the city. While my knowledge isn’t as great as some of the others I work under I remember a lot from the past with the city. I have seen this city grow so much in the last 18 years, it’s almost hard to believe. I can remember when the area where Kohls, and Lowe’s is, was just pasture land. Also, the Wllow Creek subdivision, was a flood area.

*Photos provided by Nicole Wright

How long have you been working for the city?

18.5 years

What is a “typical” day like for you?

I typically have a cup of coffee, while looking over our pump reports to see if any lift station needs addressing. Then I make my rounds checking on the jobs my co-workers are working on and helping with if they need me. Then I will check on inspection reports given to me by fellow workers to plan future projects for the crew. I also check the buoys around the lake and water pump station. I make sure the meter techs are handling the leak reports, and customer concerns in a timely manner, which they do very well as short-handed as we have been lately. We also have 25 lift stations that we maintain all the time.

*Photos provided by Nicole Wright

What was the most challenging situation you have faced as an employee? How did you overcome the challenge?

For me thus far in my career, I would have to say making the transformation from a worker on the crew to becoming a supervisor. Because literally one day I was just one of the guys the next I was their “boss”, the supervisor, I never liked being called a boss or boss man. I see myself as still one of the guys, I just have more responsibility now. I try overcoming this each day, by trying to be level headed and have a good outlook on the day and being a leader and a good role model. This position makes that very challenging

Who has been a big influencer/mentor to you in life?

My mom, I would have to say. She always taught me to look for the best in people. She made me a better person by being in my life. She never judged anyone I don’t think. She also told me to make sure I had done the best I could do before I judged others.

Monty leading a class at Neanderthal Fight Company.

Monty leading a class at Neanderthal Fight Company.

*Photos provided by Nicole Wright

What do you love most about Weatherford?

Academy, I have no reason to leave Parker County now.

*Photos provided by Nicole Wright

What are your hobbies?

Training Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, and Mixed martial arts, and a little fishing when I get time.

*Photos provided by Nicole Wright

Do you have a favorite place in Weatherford?

Shep’s Place, my wife and I go there every Friday night.

What is something most people wouldn’t know about you?

Most people that meet me when I’m in city uniform don’t know that I have a “few” tattoos.

What advice would you give to a new employee starting with the city?

Learn as much as you can in your field of work, to move up in your department. Also, to keep a level head and listen twice as much as you talk. That’s why you have two ears and only one mouth.

What type of music do you think best describes you?

Texas Country without a doubt. But you might find a little “Queen” or Mötley Crüe on my workout playlist.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live and why?

Anywhere coastal, I love the water, love the beach and being on the water or in the water. If I had to pick one place right now it would be Crystal Beach.

Monty owns his own gym, Neanderthal Fight Company. They offer kids grappling, adult kickboxing, and adult grappling.

Monty leading the children's grappling class at his gym.

Monty leading the children's grappling class at his gym.

*Photos provided by Nicole Wright