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When you think of ways to enhance your sex life, it’s a sure bet that, “eating celery,” is not the first thought to come to mind. The first thought might be, “swallow Viagra.” But truth be told, the green stalk provides some of the same gusto as the blue pill.


Celery acts like Viagra because it contains the amino acid, arginine, which causes blood vessels to dilate and in turn increases blood flow to the genitals. Moreover, celery contains two steroids, androsterone and androsternol, which act like pheromones and emit a subtle odor that attracts the opposite sex!

And you thought eating your vegetables was boring.

Celery contains a perfect combination of sex-enhancing vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E, magnesium, niacin or vitamin B3, potassium, and zinc. To make crystal clear how those nutrients boost your bedroom performance read the following: Vitamin E, an antioxidant, protects the body from free radicals that decrease sperm count. Vitamin E elevates testosterone levels that help sexual stamina and desire. Studies show that men who take vitamin E experience greater sexual energy, longer lasting erections, intensified libidos, and more potent orgasms.

Magnesium, a trace mineral, aids in producing androgen and estrogen, the male and female sex hormones, as well as neurotransmitters that regulate the sex drive with the chemicals dopamine and norepinephrine.

Niacin works to enhance sex in two specific ways: First, like magnesium, it assists the adrenal glands to create sufficient androgen and estrogen. Second, it enhances circulation, ensuring ample blood flow to the genitals.

Potassium, both an electrolyte and a mineral, also helps produce the aforementioned sex hormones. Plus, it boosts energy!

Zinc, another essential trace element, is particularly imperative for testosterone and sperm production. Research also shows that it increases sperm motility.

So yes, celery helps you attract your mate and build stamina and virility, but just as there’s more to life than sex, there’s more to celery too. Studies show that celery’s store of acetylenics, helps stop the growth of cancer cells. Celery helps maintain your body’s electrolyte balance and produces hydrochloric acid – critical for proper digestion and the body’s absorption of nutrients. And celery boosts your immune system, with its store of vitamin C, lowers blood pressure and reduces stress hormones in the blood.

So crunch a stalk and live a better life!