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December Volunteer Spotlight: Rhonda Grant

Rhonda has been a mainstay volunteer at Flutter Productions since 2015. Rhonda has donated up to 500 hours annually to the theatrical productions, including set construction and clean-up. She has glued, painted, taped, and cut many a prop, creature, costume, or set piece into existence for thirteen productions, and has assisted in moving every set in and out of the performance space. Starting in 2017, Rhonda graciously volunteered for three "FashionABLE: All-Ability Threads" fashion shows. She not only worked one-on-one with a FashionABLE designer, but also helped set up and transform the performance venues for the fashion shows. As if that wasn’t enough, in the summer of 2019 and 2021 Rhonda joined the 360 Degree Arts Camp as a volunteer cook to assist with cooking three meals and two snacks a day for twenty people over a three-day period. Needless to say, Rhonda’s contributions to Flutter Productions have been incalculable. The experiences of the people supported by Black Hills Works and the community performers involved with Flutter Productions would not be the same without her energy, efforts, time, love, and dedication. Rhonda's support of Flutter Productions has made all-ability performance opportunities accessible and a part of the cultural fabric of our community. She has helped give the gift and joy of performance and personal expression to many lives. In recognition of her volunteer efforts, Rhonda was selected to receive a Daughters of the American Revolution Community Service Award. Rhonda received this prestigious award on December 1 at Flutter Productions. Thank you, Rhonda, for sharing your talents and time with all of us, to ensure the mission of Black Hills Works is achieved.
