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ssi and Qmc hold a “how to Vote seminar”

THE Voice referendum will be happening this year, and there will also be local government elections in March 2024. Our communities, mainly recent citizens or soon-tobe citizens must understand what voting means and how they can participate.

Hence SSI collaborated with Queensland Multicultural Council and Electoral Commission Queensland to run a free voting workshop on 13th July from 5:30 to 7:30 pm at the SSI Gateway in Logan Central.


Milton Dick, Federal Speaker of the House, presented his role and that of the parliament sitting. Refreshments were provided. Representatives of the electoral commission ran mock voting and demonstrated the process, including the preferential counting; quite interesting to see the process, especially the count, which follows an elimination process based on preferences. Former Queensland speaker John Mickel spoke on the electoral and voting process.

Kenny Duke of SSI was the Mc for the event, and Umesh Chandra OAM representing Queensland Multicultural Council, introduced Hon Milton Dick MP Federal Speaker. Both Kenny Duke and Umesh Chandra OAM spoke about their respective organisations.

After the very informative and interactive session,

Queensland Multicultural Council presented a certificate of Appreciation to SSI, a former state


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ऊँची कससी , प्रधाि मंत्ी तक की

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दव्य्ष्वहार दनि्या म कोई व्वपक्ष

िही करता है।

व्वपक्ष अपिी सटे ट के कक्रनत्यों

पर सफद चादर ढक देते ह पर

सता पक्ष के हर अचछे बरे का्य्ष पर

हंगामा करते ह। भारत

Shree Krishna Janamastami

Friday 1st September till Wed 6th of Sept 2023. Pravachan by Dharam Guru Pundit Tripathi Ji Everyone is invited to please join in this celebration

Time: Mon to Friday 6:30pm onwards. Saturday and Sunday 5:30pm Onwards

Food will be provided every day. Shree Krishna Ji Ka Janam Utsha v at: Sharp 8:00pm on Wed, 6th of August

Celebrated with Kirtans, Sohar & Garba Then Bhog & Maha Prasad will be served

Food Sponsor $400.00