2 minute read

Student Wellbeing at BIS Hanoi: A Continually Evolving Process

Wellbeing at BIS Hanoi continues to move forward with the introduction of creative new wellbeing lessons, the BIS Hanoi Wellbeing Committee, and regular monitoring of our student body.

This term, our wellbeing lessons have had a more creative dimension; students are often seen outside the classroom engaging in fun and interesting collaborative tasks.

We have also started to explore ways of monitoring student wellbeing on a more regular basis, with the aim of identifying early interventions to support students. We are currently using ‘Teams Reflect’, which allows a teacher to see how students are feeling at specific points in the term - for example prior to an exam, after a challenging lesson, or even first thing on Monday morning!

As the school continues to use this platform, we also hope to identify wider trends and offer our student body additional support at times in the academic year when they need it the most.

Students are often seen outside the classroom engaging in fun and interesting collaborative tasks.

This term, the BIS Hanoi Wellbeing Committee also held its first meeting. The aim of the committee is to bring together the school community to identify how and what needs to be done to enhance wellbeing for students, staff and parents. We also have a very proactive Student Council, who act as the voice for all secondary students, while subcommittees (including Uniform and Food) actively work on proposals to take to the leadership team.

Children, students and families throughout our school community will be faced with challenges at some stage. Referring back to our Wellbeing philosophy from the start of the year, we need to get the balance right for us all to be in the place we want to be in. To achieve this as one, we will need to continue to identify the right resources, but also to listen to and respect one another's needs.




Physical Wellbeing

At BIS Hanoi, we strive for our whole school community to exprerience wellbeing.





For us, wellbeing is when we develop and use the psychological, social and phycical resources to meet the challenges we face.

We know that wellbeing positively impacts learning and is the foundation for our community to flourish.

Mr. Rob Taylor Assistant Head of Secondary - Wellbeing