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Unlocking the mystery of life

Unlocking the mystery of life Text: Katrin Bühler

Contemplating everything that is happening at this very moment in each cell of our body is guaranteed to inspire a sense of awe. Cellular copying machines faithfully transcribing genetic material, countless ribosomes tirelessly producing proteins, mitochondria providing the energy to power it all, cells import and export molecules and they communicate with their neighbors – the body is like a bustling city that never sleeps.


This dazzling array of vital processes is reflected in the diverse range of questions posed by researchers working at the Biozentrum. What exactly happens inside a cell? How do genes regulate the intricate biochemical machinery? How do neurons communicate with each other and how does the brain control our movements? Why do we sleep? How do viruses spread? How do bacteria stay under the radar of our immune system? How does a stem cell know what it is supposed to become? And how does a healthy cell turn into a cancer cell?

United under the umbrella of the Biozentrum, researchers tackle disciplines as diverse as neurobiology, cell biology, developmental biology, infection biology, structural biology, biophysics or computational and systems biology. With over 30 research groups and staff from around 50 nations, it brings together a variety of expertise, perceptions, experience, approaches and forms of creativity. This has been its strength for the last 50 years. What all these researchers have in common is their fascination for the single overarching question: “How do molecules and cells create life?” With tireless curiosity and limitless ingenuity, they are committed to solving this puzzle one piece at a time. Together. What motivates and drives them is the prospect of creating new knowledge with their research and contributing to a greater whole with their discoveries.

In the following pages, eight Biozentrum researchers share what fascinates them about their work. Their conquest of uncharted territories is facilitated by the Biozentrum Technology Platforms and Services teams.