1 minute read

In a large pan, heat some oil and gently fry the onion. When softened, add the crushed garlic and cook

Water Rainbow

DIY Water Rainbow: This is so simple but the kiddies love it! Take a piece of white kitchen roll and fold it in half. At each end colour a section about 4-5cm long in the colours of a rainbow. Get two small dishes and fill with warm water. Take the coloured ends of the kitchen roll and pop them into the dishes and see the magic happen!


Skittles Rainbow

Skittles NHS Rainbow Experiment: All you need is a packet of Skittles, a plate and some warm water. Make a rainbow shape using the Skittles around the edge of the plate. Carefully and gently pour on a small amount of warm water to slightly cover the Skittles and the rainbow will start to appear.

One thing I have loved about having the kids at home is that we eat as a family more than ever before! The kids have tried new foods and they have even started to help me cook.

Wrap Recipe

Recipe for a quick and easy lunch the kids can help with: You need: Wraps, Grated Mozzarella, Tomato purée, An egg Fillings: We used pepperoni and sweetcorn

Take a wrap and spread a little tomato purée over the inside, leaving a small gap around the edge. Add fillings of your choice and top with cheese. Fold in half and push down the curved edges with a fork. Brush with a little egg. Finally bake for 15 minutes at 180 degrees. These are delicious and you can try many different fillings. Why not replace the tomato purée with BBQ sauce or pesto!