4 minute read

Keep On Running

Jess Pearce

It’s all going to be ok, just a little more resolve and patience. I must confess to being excited about being able to meet with my family and friends socially by the time summer arrives.


So many things have changed. We have undoubtedly changed the way we do most things and I’m sure that even when we are allowed to meet for social runs, we will be just that bit more mindful of how we do so. For some, a return to something like normality will be scary and we must try and understand that this pandemic will continue to affect us all differently for some time yet.

There have been some amazing feats achieved during lockdown. Captain Sir Tom Moore is perhaps the most noticeable and his example inspired others to do their bit for good causes too.

Gosport has its own amazing fundraiser. We probably have several but 6-year-old Jess Pearce whose parents have been members of our 545 RunClub for some time, found a way to raise money in a way that resonated with us. Jess was moved by the plight of a 9-year-old girl called Sophie who is fighting a nasty form of cancer and set out to run/ cycle/scoot or walk every day in February to raise awareness and money towards Sophie’s treatment.

We all know how remarkably charitable the British public can be and this challenge was met by overwhelming support from friends, family, and the public. The original target of £150 has been smashed and at the time of writing the total raised currently stands at more than £1,200. Jess concluded her challenge on Gosport’s Golden Mile. Superb! Unable to roll out the old ‘red sofa’ for an interview with the young lady, I conducted a virtual interview via her Dad, Andy. This is what he said.

Q1. Who is Jess and why this challenge? Jess is our 6-year-old daughter whose Mummy and Daddy are both military veterans now working in the healthcare sector. We have been following Sophie’s challenge for at least a year and completed a 10K fundraiser late last year.

Q2. Did Jess believe that she could do 1 mile of some activity every day? Jess is one of the most determined people that I

know, she was out in all weathers and often did more than her mile. Even after a minor fall, she got patched up and went straight back out. The fact that she was doing it for someone else gave her that extra bit of incentive, not that she ever needed it.

Q3. Did Jess enjoy the challenge? What was the best part? She enjoyed the fact that she was doing something for someone else, she has asked a lot of questions about Sophie’s illness and wants to check on her progress every day. Her best part of the challenge was definitely the ice cream at the end!!

Q4 Would Jess do it again? Without question. Yes

Q5. How much has Jess raised? As of tonight (28th February) £1,263.

Q6. Can people still donate and if so, how? Yes. They can still use the JustGiving link if they wish. Thanks to everyone who has got involved. The response has been amazing.

https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/ jessicapearce

The younger generation sometimes get a hard time but with people like Jess (and her role models), the future is in good hands.

Finally, in 2012 when we started our 545 social running group, we had no idea or intention of it being any more than just that...social. This month, following many requests to put the group on a more formal footing, we affiliated to the Association of Running Clubs. This means that our runners are now insured when running at organised 545 events or when running as one of our members at formal races. We have put in place welfare and safeguarding officers but other than that our constitution requires our paid up members to do very little other than continue to enjoy running.

Our rules are: 1. Be a nice person 2. Do nothing to bring our club or Gosport into disrepute 3. Be responsible for any young person who runs with us 4. No more rules.

Our whole focus is in making running accessible and fun. There are coaches, run leaders, medics and mentors amongst us but primarily, we are here simply to support an individual’s journey and signpost them to the resources they need to achieve their goals. There are clubs with more structure and their members are always welcome to continue to run with A545RC as guests. We remain friendly and open to all.

Hopefully, we can aspire to be more like Jess, be more active and involved in our sport which gives so much pleasure to so many.

Stay positive. We can enjoy a coffee (or beer) together soon.

Written by: Nick Carter (Absolute GosVegas Run Groups)

Written by: Nick Carter (Absolute GosVegas Run Groups)


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