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Avalon Air Show 2023

Held biennially at Avalon Airport, Geelong, Victoria, the 2023 event was the fifteenth such event staged at our Avalon Airport home. The Australian International Airshow and Aerospace and Defence Exposition came to Victoria in 1992 at the invitation of then premier Jeff Kennett who was keen to establish a technology-based event that would attract key industry and defence representatives and tourists alike.

There was over 600 participating exhibitors in a 3 day, action-packed public spectacular with breathtaking flying displays, vintage planes, skydiving and an amazing array of static aircraft to view up close.

Friday included a night time display that ended with the famous “Wall of Fire” that stretched for several hundred metres.

The key highlights for me were the South Korean Black Eagles with their absolute precision and formation flying, the USAF F22 Raptor that could hover in mid air and then climb vertically until it was almost out of sight. The Australian Air Force Roulettes in their new Pilatus PC-21 aircraft were simply breathtaking. In fact every performance was a key highlight.

Accessibility, well the car parking was atrocious with exiting taking over 2 hours and on Saturday the line up to enter took over 3 hours with buses letting their passengers off with up to 2 km walk. Toilets were scarce and demountable with some access difficulty, long distances over gravel. Pictures from top to bottom:

South Korean Black Eagles F-50B

USAF C-17A Globemaster III

USAF F-22 Raptor

Cessna A-37 Dragonfly

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Gout is a type of arthritis that is caused by the build-up of uric acid crystals in the joints. Uric acid is a waste product that is produced by the body when it breaks down purines, which are substances found in many foods and drinks. When the level of uric acid in the blood becomes too high, it can crystallize and settle in the joints, leading to inflammation and pain.

Symptoms of gout can include sudden and severe joint pain, redness and swelling, and warmth in the affected joint. Gout most commonly affects the joint at the base of the big toe but can also occur in other joints such as the ankles, knees, wrists, and fingers. Some people with gout may also develop small, white, hard lumps under the skin called tophi, which are a sign of uric acid build-up.

There are a number of factors that can increase a person's risk of developing gout. These include having a family history of the condition, being overweight, consuming a diet high in purines (such as red meat, seafood, and alcohol), and having certain medical conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and kidney disease.