2 minute read

n Occupation Therapy and Sensory Service

Understanding every day living

What is an occupational therapist?

An Occupational Therapist (OT) has specialised skills in understanding how substantial or permanent disability created by a recent or long standing illness affects everyday living.

What is a sensory rehabilitation officer?

A Sensory Rehabilitation Officer has specialised skills in understanding the impact of hearing, visual and dual sensory loss and deafblind on communicaton, mobility and accessing information within their home and social and physical environment.

What do we do?

• We provide an assessment service for identifying, in partnership with you, the nature of your difficulties in trying to carry out everyday activities within the limits of your disability. • Wherever physical disability, ageing or accident has disrupted your ability to live independently, we help you adapt to it or adapt your environment. • Our aim is to help you achieve maximum independence and improve quality of life. • A Community Care Practitioner (CCP) who can assess and provide low level equipment (according to assessed need) in most instances on the day. The CCP can also assess for minor adaptations eg grab rails. • The Occupational Therapist deal with more complex cases eg moving and handling difficulties and major adaptations within the home. • The Sensory Rehabilitation Officer assess all ages and provide rehabilitation, mobility and orientation training, communication support and prescribe equipment and minor adaptations. • We provide appropriate advice, support and guidance to all including carers and people who are self-funding. Information is available regarding registration of disability or sensory loss, bus passes and concessionary passes, welfare benefits, housing, equipment, blue badge, education, employment, interpreting and communication services, hospitals and medical services etc.

Who do we help?

• Anyone with a substantial or permanent disability or sensory loss preventing them from living independently or returning to the community. • People who look after someone with a disability or sensory loss. • Anyone needing advice on how to cope with a recent operation, injury, illness or sensory loss.

How do you request an ocupational therapy or sensory assesment?

By contacting Sefton Contact Centre 0345 140 0845. You can also request an assessment through the drop in clinics, your GP or other relevant health professionals.

Sandley Court

Residential Home

Tel: 01704 545 281 • 39 Queens Road, Southport PR9 9EX

We are currently open for new admissions, please contact us for more information.