1 minute read

Thank You

Thank you to you, our supporters

Bible Society is blessed with faithful, generous supporters and across FY 21-22 we received amazing support through bequests, churches and individual supporters. We are grateful for your ongoing support and hope you have been encouraged by the stories in this report, stories of lives transformed because of your support. Thank you!

Across the course of FY 21-22 the fundraising team made more than 11,000 connections with individual supporters and churches as well as connecting with supporters across Australia through “Thankyou” events. The ongoing feedback we receive from supporters encourages us in our mission To Impact and Influence the World by Opening the Bible to All People Everywhere by All Means Possible. “Thank you, seeing what is happening in Pakistan is heartbreaking, I’m so grateful to live in a country like Australia when you see these conditions, but it’s wonderful to see Bible Society having an impact there.”

“Thanks for your email, and for the insight into the process of translation. It is very complex, especially with a book like the Bible which often uses complex language – some English speakers have difficulty with the language, especially in the Old Testament. I am thankful for the work of the Bible Society and glad to participate in a small way.”

Your support makes a difference. From everyone at Bible Society we thank you for your generosity, faithfulness and prayers.

Here are some encouraging comments we received from you:

“Thank you for such a wonderful email, not just for the good news it entailed but your joy in sending it, joy which resounded throughout the email, Praise God for that.”

“Thank you for the update, it’s really great to hear what projects are happening and where…Keep up the great work and God bless you and Bible Society as you work to bring the gospel to all people!”

“Thank you, another fascinating and helpful insight into the complexity, implications and ultimately the value of translation into indigenous and 'heart' languages.”

Impact Report

