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Facade Design Process Scheme


Southwest Emergency Rescue Center

2021 Summer | Competition

Location: Chengdu, China

Supervisor: Jian Zhu&Gong Feng

Company: China Construction Southwest Design & Research Institute

Teammates:Meng Yang, Bohan Xu, Liming Yang

Job scope: Design phase for Storage, hanger and Academic building p 地形条件 用地成矩形,东西长1.3公里,南北长600米,四 周皆是道路围合,场地面积约 68万平方米 (约 1028.74亩),基地现状为典型的 四川浅丘地貌 ,场地东高西低,最低点463米,最高点480米。 p 周围场地条件 场地周边规划已完善,相邻区域处于未开发状态,但 四周路网已形成,基地东北两侧都是原始地形,自然 村落形态。

Sichuan, facing severe disaster situations, requires a prioritized development of a professional regional emergency rescue center. Current rescue efforts lack proper equipment and a unified command center, leading to ineffective outcomes, secondary disasters, and economic losses. To address this, the entry design for the Southwest Regional Emergency Rescue Center competition aligns with national guidelines. The center accommodates 300 residents, trains 500 rescue workers, and supports 3-5 large helicopters. This comprehensive design ensures an efficient and enjoyable complex with essential training, residence, and supporting facilities for long-term needs.

基地北侧是300米的达成铁路绿化防护带;东侧相邻 金简仁快速路,中间有约450米防护绿地分割;南侧 是学校、住宅用地,对于新建内容有一定的噪音控制 需求;西侧、东侧是配套用地,对于基地较少影响。


DC Department of Aging and Community Living

2022 | Studio MB

Location: Washington, DC

Job Scope: Feasability Study, Water Color Renering

Adams Education Center

2022 | Studio MB

Location: Washington, DC

Job Scope: SD, Diagrams,Physical Models, Revit

The primary objective of the project is to improve the learning environment and prepare for the expected increase in student enrollment over the next decade, as outlined in the Master Facility Plan (MFP).

To achieve this, the modernization initiative will focus on adding a new library and gym, redesigning the building layout, upgrading essential systems like HVAC and plumbing, and equipping the premises with state-of-the-art furniture and tech- nology. These enhancements will establish a modern and conducive educational setting that not only aligns with the school’s bilingual program but also fosters a culture of academic excellence.

Audi Field - Parcel B

2022 | Studio MB

Location: Washington, DC

Job Scope: DD,CD,VE, Revit

StudioMB joins forces with Hoffman Development, spearheading the visionary design of a colossal 500,000-square-foot masterpiece. Enchanting 463 residences, including 111 seniors’ affordable abodes, intertwine seamlessly with captivating office spaces and a tapestry of community-serving marvels.

The creative powers of STUDIOS Architects, entrusted with crafting remarkable affordable housing and office towers, intertwines with the Landscape Architecture Bureau’s spellbinding artistry. Together, we unleash a thrilling proposal—an enchanting stadium entry plaza and an alluring pedestrian street—igniting game-day euphoria within the hallowed grounds of DC United, Washington’s celebrated Major League Soccer Club.