1 minute read


Food. / It’s a funny word.

Food. / It is an English word.

Food. / Denatured word.

Food. / In our language we call it tühkap(i).

Food is not an isolated noun. / It’s a verb. / It’s the cosmos in a seed. / It’s a web of relationships. /

A dynamic set of complex and interrelated processes.

Food is in the clouds. / Food is in the tilt of the Earth at Spring time. / Food is in the language that teaches us how to plant. / Food is in the sunlight. / Food is the convergence of / DNA, rainfall, and love.

When I eat “food” I am ingesting the culmination of a million miracles.

Food is thus sacred. / Cycles of life and death. / Sun and breath. / Dry and wet. / Effort and rest.

The deer gave his life so that the people could live. / Sounds cliché but / would you give your life / right now / so that could / live?

Our relatives do this for us every day.

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