34 Publications
Publisher logoBESTorg
[BSE] BEST Symposia on Education
A BEST Symposia on Education (BSE) is an event where students, local and international professors, experts from different industrial or research associations, higher education institutions and company representatives discuss educational matters and try to improve European education.

[2019] BSE Aveiro

December 11, 2020

[2019] BSE Skopje

August 29, 2020

[2018] BSE Aalborg

August 29, 2020

[2018] BSE Kraków

August 29, 2020

[2019] BSE Athens

August 29, 2020

[2018] BSE Lisbon

August 29, 2020

[2017] EoE Porto

March 4, 2018

[2017] EoE Chania

December 2, 2017

[2016] EoE Gliwice

March 18, 2017