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How your Christmas customer data can boost your 2024 sales

Your sales ramp up at Christmas. You’re busy completing all your orders. You’re making sure all your customers are happy. You’re asking for reviews and user-generated content.

By the time Christmas comes, you’re ready for a festive tipple or treat because it’s been manic.

But the work doesn’t end there, because now you have made all those wonderful sales, you need to make sure you get the value out of the customer data you have collected.

And it’s perfectly legal under GDPR – as privacy expert Judith Andrews explains: “Since GDPR came in, businesses I speak to have been worried about using customer data – how much they use it, when they can use it and what they can say to their customers.

“Some clients have not used it at all, whilst one deleted everything – scared of the consequences of getting it wrong.

“It doesn’t need to scare you though – it’s your data and you can use it to market to those customers again for repeat sales or upsells.

“They’ve bought from you once, so they might again – and reminding them that you are there is a good idea in what’s a very busy time of year. They might forget you in amongst all the gifts they are buying.

“As long as they have access to your privacy notice and it outlines what you will use their data for, then you are covered.”

Judith is available for help and advice to ensure you are confident in collecting, storing and using your data, email: hello@businesstamer.co.uk