1 minute read

How Building Information Modelling is revolutionising build projects

It’s invaluable for improving clients’ design and build experience.

Enhanced Design Accuracy

Clients can visualise their dream home and make changes in real time on screen, helping them understand time and cost implications before work begins.

Improved Collaboration

Accurate Timeline

We can present a realistic timeline, incorporating every stage from preparing the site, through to the final touches.

Cost Efficiency

If you’re dreaming of building a new home in the New Year, Vernacular Homes Director Trevor Weeks explains how the software they use, Building Information Modelling (BIM), can help you visualise that dream. It creates a 3D model meaning you can virtually ‘walk through’ your future home.

Our experts can easily visualise a design but a client might not find it so easy. Referring to the same digital model helps to ensure everyone is ‘on the same page’.

Smoother Planning

The easier it is for a client to understand their design, the quicker we can reach the planning stage. Higher quality design is likely to give planners greater confidence in the proposals, giving the best chance of approval.

As a design is amended, BIM takes into account material and quantity changes. Costs are therefore easily updated and realistic estimates can be provided before work begins.

Effortless Modifications

Presenting a realistic model of a client’s future home which they can tweak at design stage means they are more likely to start the build with a final design that changes very little.

Data-Driven Decisions

BIM operates using facts and figures - invaluable for transparency and instilling confidence in clients.

trevor.weeks@vernacularhomes.com vernacularhomes.com