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Universal Wellbeing Contract plans to combat loneliness

In a world where loneliness poses a substantial risk to health, the Universal Wellbeing Contract, managed by Social Enterprise Kent in collaboration with Kent County Council, is designed as a preventative proactive community health intervention.

The World Health Organisation underscores physical inactivity, linking it to prevalent noncommunicable diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Additionally, Brigham Young University draws a striking parallel, equating the health impact of social isolation and loneliness to smoking 15 cigarettes daily.

Focusing on the communities of Thanet and the south Kent coast including Cliftonville, Dover, Folkestone, and Romney Marsh, this initiative addresses the pressing issue of deteriorating health in individuals aged 55 and above or those with complex needs.

As East Kent grapples with an ageing demographic, surpassing 30 per cent of the population, the Universal Wellbeing Contract endeavours to reverse the trend through an array of engaging activities designed to combat loneliness and redefine the perception of ageing.

From the thrill of clip and climb to the cultural richness of Japanese drumming and Spanish lessons, the Contract not only offers a diverse range of activities but also fosters a sense of community and connection. Through firsthand accounts describing these experiences as not merely enjoyable but genuinely “life-changing”, the initiative stands as a testament to the power of tailored, community-based interventions. In essence, the Universal Wellbeing Contract exemplifies a resounding commitment to enhancing the health and vitality of communities.
