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Entrepreneur Gets Recognition as Winner at PR Industry Awards

An article written by Abbi Head, a Rugby-based entrepreneur, is one of the winners in the Media Relations category of the Public Relations Today MVP Awards 2022 which recognise excellence in public relations.

The industry awards recognise the Most Valuable Posts (MVP) as judged by Public Relations Today’s readers, award committee, and social media.

Abbi, a member of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations, is open about her Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and how it has affected her mental health for 30 years.

Abbi started her PR business after ten years as a media officer at New Directions Rugby Ltd. During lockdown, she stepped back from her charity role and, in 18 months, has gained a reputation as a local go-to expert with Little PR Rock Marketing. Recognised for her potential, she has joined the NatWest Accelerator at the University of Warwick to scale her business. Her new book, called Credibility Confidence: How To Leverage PR As A Start-Up, is coming soon, and she shares what she learned in PR when she started her business.

In its second year, the 2022 Public Relations Today MVP Awards recognised outstanding contributions from many websites. Judges included Bob Geller, president of Fusion PR; Dara Busch, 5WPR Co-CEO & Leader of Consumer Practice and Matt Caiola, 5WPR Co-CEO and Leader of Corporate & Technology Communications Practice.

Abbi’s article, ‘Media Overexposure: How to Take Back Control of Your Media Presence’, was featured on Prowly, a PR industry website. It was written following a meeting with a high-profile potential client who was snowballing with media exposure. Abbi’s recommendations to the potential client were the inspiration for this article.

Abbi works with clients to increase credibility, boost their reputation, improve their digital footprint and build