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In M e m o r y o f T h o s e W h o G a v e A l l
1st Responder Newspaper honors and remembers emergency responders lost in the line of duty
Maryland: Kelly William Frye, 53
Rank: Firefighter/EMT Incident Date: August 29,2021 Death Date: September 29,2021 Fire Department: City of Cumberland Fire Department Initial Summary: Firefighter/EMT Kelly Frye contracted COVID-19 while on duty after responding to multiple medical calls with COVID-19 positive patients. Firefighter/EMT Frye was hospitalized and passed away from complications due to the virus on Sept. 29, 2021.
Indiana: Mark Gillam, 58
Rank: Engineer Incident Date: August 21,2021 Death Date: October 3, 2021 Fire Department: Elwood Fire Department Initial Summary: On Aug. 21, 2021, while on duty, Engineer Mark Gillam provided medical care to patients for a 12-hour period during a local festival. On Aug. 25,2021, Gillam became sick with symptoms. Because his symptoms worsened, Gillam went to the hospital on Aug. 30, 2021, where he tested positive for COVID-19 and was admitted. Gillam was eventually placed on a ventilator and put into a medically induced coma but passed away from complications of the virus on Oct. 3,2021.
S Carolina: Andrew Orphanoudakis, 56
Rank: Lieutenant Incident Date: August 31,2021 Death Date: October 3, 2021 Fire Department: Hardeeville Fire Department Initial Summary: On Tuesday, Aug. 31, 2021, Lieutenant Andrew Orphanoudakis responded to an EMS call with a patient with a known case of COVID-19. He subsequently contracted the virus and passed away on Sunday, Oct. 3, 2021. Lieutenant Orphanoudakis has been posthumously promoted to Captain.
Colorado: Marshall Grant Brookfield, 41
Rank: Firefighter/Paramedic Incident Date: September 13,2021 Death Date: September 29,2021 Fire Department: Emergency Response Logistics Initial Summary: Wildland Firefighter/Paramedic Marshall Grant Brookfield was deployed to the McCash fire in Orleans, CAwhen he contracted COVID- 19 and a rare fungal infection that was found to be directly associated to the wildfires and smoke inhalation. He was removed from the incident due to severe illness and sent to the hospital where he was admitted and remained in the Intensive Care Unit until his passing on Wednesday, Sept. 29,2021.
New Jersey: Nicholas Prioli, 89
Rank: Safety Officer Incident Date: October 23, 2021 Death Date: October 23,2021 Fire Department: Jackson Township Volunteer Fire Company Initial Summary: On Sat., Oct. 23,2021, Safety Officer Nicholas Prioli responded to the fire department for a call of a vehicle extrication that was ultimately cancelled. He left the fire house and was returning home when he experienced a medical emergency. Emergency personnel responded to the scene where they found Safety Officer Prioli in cardiac arrest. He passed away shortly thereafter.
Ohio: Gregory Lee Bauer, 56
Rank: Firefighter Incident Date: September 13,2021 Death Date: October 18,2021 Fire Department: Columbus Division of Fire Initial Summary: While working a 24-hour shift, Firefighter Gregory Lee Bauer contracted COVID-19. He passed away from the virus on Monday, Oct. 18, 2021.
Colorado: Darcy Stallings, 34
Rank: Captain Incident Date: October 21, 2021 Death Date: October 21,2021 Fire Department: Yuma Volunteer Fire Department Initial Summary: On Thursday, Oct. 21, 2021, Firefighter Darcy Stallings was responding to a residential fire call in his privately owned vehicle, when he was involved in a rear-end crash with a tractor trailer. He passed away at the scene of the accident.
Florida: Giovanni Qancio, 55
Rank: Driver/Engineer Incident Date: July 16,2021 Death Date: October 21,2021 Fire Department: Hillsborough County Fire Rescue Initial Summary: Driver/Engineer Giovanni Ciancio responded to an EMS call with a patient with a known case of COVID- 19. He subsequently contracted the virus and passed away on Thursday, Oct. 21, 2021.
Arkansas: Lucas Stephenson, 25
Rank: Assistant Chief Incident Date: October 26, 2021 Death Date: October 26,2021 Fire Department: Mandeville Volunteer Fire Department Initial Summary: On Tuesday, Oct. 26, 2021, Assistant Chief Lucas Stephenson was responding to a motor vehicle accident on Arkansas Highway 296 when the brush truck he was driving overturned numerous times. He passed away at the scene. Investigation into the incident is ongoing.
Colorado: Larry Wyant, 68
Rank: Firefighter Incident Date: October 26,2021 Death Date: October 26, 2021 Fire Department: Joes Volunteer Fire Department Initial Summary: On Tuesday, Oct. 26, 2021, Firefighter Larry Wyant was driving to the funeral of Captain Darcy Stallings, who was killed last week in an automobile accident while responding to a residential fire, when a call came in for a combine that sparked a fire in a cornfield. He and the members of his department faced 30 mph winds, with gusts up to 60 mph, with the wind direction changing as they worked to stop the fire. Firefighter Wyant was out of the truck attempting to get a hose line stretched when the fire overtook him. He passed away at the scene.
California: Marcus Pacheco, 53
Rank: Assistant Fire Engine Operator Incident Date: August 29, 2021 Death Date: September 2, 2021 Fire Department: United States Forest Service-Lassen National Forest Initial Summary: While assigned to the Dixie Fire, Aug. 10-29, 2021, Assistant Fire Engine Operator Marcus Pacheco had close contact with a COVID-19 positive individual. He became ill and tested positive for the virus on Aug. 29,2021. Assistant Fire Engine Operator Pacheco passed away due to complications from the virus on Sept. 2, 2021.
California: Allen Johnson, 68
Rank: Liaison Officer Incident Date: August 24, 2021 Death Date: August 31,2021 Fire Department: United States Forest Service-Stanislaus National Forest Initial Summary: While assigned to the French Fire near Kemville, CA, Liaison Officer Allen Johnson became ill and tested positive for COVID-19 on Aug. 24,2021. There were other confirmed cases of the virus on the French Fire. Liaison Officer Johnson was placed in isolation at the incident and transported to the hospital on Aug. 31, 2021 where he passed away.

F a ta l T ra in V s . P e d e s tr ia n in K in g s to n
KINGSTON, NY - On March 26th around 10:00 P.M., a CSX train crew reported that the train they were operating had struck a pedestrian at the Smith Ave. grade crossing. Kingston Police Sgt. Patrick Buono said they could not immediately identify the female victim, or where she was from. A fatal car vs. train crash occurred at the same location in December of 2021. Kingston and CSX police are investigating the most recent incident.

House Fire on Smith Street in Rochester

ROCHESTER, NY-Around 11:00 P.M., on Saturday, April 9th, Rochester firefighters responded to a house fire at 570 Smith Street. The blaze was brought under control in about 30 minutes. There were no injuries reported. The Red Cross was assisting the displaced occupants. The cause of the fire is under investigation. No injuries following a rollover crash in Delmar, 4/15/22.

Car Lands on Its Side A fte r Crash in Delmar
DELMAR, NY - A two-car crash with one car on its side resulted in no reports of injuries on Friday, April 15th, in Delmar. Delmar Fire, Delmar-Bethlehem EMS, Albany County Paramedics and Bethlehem Police were dispatched to the call.
Crews were called to the intersection of Feura Bush Road and Elm Avenue around 8:45 PM. for a two-car crash with reports of a rollover and four occupants en-
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trapped, according to a statement from Bethlehem Police. The individuals were able to self-extricate from what appears to have been the front passenger door, prior to the arrival of police.
Police said a gray 2019 Elonda operated by a male from Troy struck a black 2015 Elonda as it was crossing Feura Bush Road on Elm Avenue. Police say the 2015 Elonda, which was the vehicle that rolled over, was driven by a male out of Delmar along with three other occupants.
EMS evaluated all parties on the scene, all of which refused medical transport. - THOMAS MARRA
V e h ic le N ews

ELLICOTTVILLE, NY - The Ellicottville Fire Department recently placed into service a 2022 FL/Firovac 4000-gallon Hawk Tanker. The new unit features a custom aluminum body and tank with two 4000-gallon port-a-tanks and side compartment for SCBAs. It is built on a Freightliner SD114 chassis with 500hp Detroit Diesel and automatic transmission.
Second-Alarm House Fire with Burn Victim on 6th Ave. in Troy
TROY, NY - On March 27th at 3:17 A.M., the city of Troy's FD was dispatched to 188 6th Avenue for a reported structure fire. The caller reported that her hair was on fire and the stairs in the house were also on fire. Engines 4 and 1, along with Trucks 1 and 2, the rescue squad and the battalion chief were dispatched to the scene.
The dispatcher notified all responding units that they were taking additional calls on the structure fire reporting that everyone was out of the house, and that there was a burn victim on scene.
Engine 4 arrived and immediately declared the Signal 30 for a working structure fire with a heavy fire condition on the second and third floors. The battalion chief requested the second-alarm to be transmitted, bringing Engines 6 and 2, the Watervliet Arsenal FD and the city of Albany’s FD to the scene. With all medic rigs in the City of Troy tied up on other calls, command requested a medic rig from a mutual aid agency to the scene.
Engine 1 pulled up to the opposite side of the boulevard, laid in the supply line from 103rd Street and connected to Engine 4. Within seconds of arrival. Engines 1 and 4's crews had two-and- three-quarter inch hand lines going into the front door of the house. Troy Police stayed with the burn victim while awaiting the arrival of Mohawk Ambulance Service coming from Samaritan Flospital as priority one.
As heavy fire pushed out the rear of the building and thick black turbulent smoke chugged from the third floor windows. Truck 1 quickly set up and made

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i their way to the roof. Firefighters made their way up the stairs to the second floor landing where they had heavy black smoke and high heat banking down to the floor. Crews on the first hand line made their way into the second floor apartment while firefighters from the second hand line made their way to the third floor where the thick heavy smoke and heat pushed them back down the stairs. Firefighters on the truck company quickly created a vent hole in the roof and heavy fire blew 15-feet over the top of the building.
As firefighters attempted to make a push into the third floor, the entire third floor apartment instantly flashed over and heavy fire blew out the front windows of the structure, sending fire 20-feet into the morning sky, lighting up the neighborhood. Truck 2's crew quickly pulled the bucket back and firefighters pulled out of the second and third floors, as they now had a heavy fire condition throughout the structure.
Command had Truck 2 open up its master stream, sending a stream of water inside the third floor to drive the heavy fire back. After a quick knockdown of the heavy fire condition, firefighters on the third floor and second floor continued to make an aggressive interior attack. Firefighters still had a heavy black smoke condition coming from the second and third floors of the structure as well as a heavy fire condition in the rear of the structure. Firefighters from the first hand line crew came out of the structure, did a quick bottle change and went right back in to continue to fight the fire. Mohawk Ambulance Service arrived on scene and transported the burn victim to Albany Medical Center.
Firefighters from the truck company pulled a large portion of the front roof off, made their way into the third floor of the structure and deployed a hand line inside to begin an aggressive interior attack from the 'Delta' side. Additional resources arrived on scene and deployed a two-and-a-half inch hand line to the rear of the structure where firefighters continued to knock down the heavy fire condition.
With one of the battalion chiefs running command and another running operations, the chief of the department arrived on scene and was briefed. The chief noticed that his crews were attempting to pull a hand line up further into the third floor apartment and his other firefighters were exhausted. The chief immediately grabbed the hose and assisted his crews in making it in further into the structure. Firefighters on the second and third floors had the fire knocked down and under control at 4:28 A.M. Crews then began the extensive amount of overhaul needed to find all of the additional hotspots that were hiding throughout the structure.
Firefighters remained on scene until the late afternoon hours. The burn victim from the fire was stabilized at the hospital. The fire is currently under investigation. No firefighters were injured on scene. The home was deemed a total loss.