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Shadows and Texture


Shadows and Texture • Spring 2022


Nina Cohen-Perlmutter ’23

Full Moon


Evan Griffith-Ebrahimi ’22

shadows under your eyes hiding your true colors every day another tear hiding under long long hair

I wish you had the courage to believe but it’s not your fault everyone has grieved




Lila Abruzzi ’22

Honesty’s important. When they cry and sob and hug you, until you cry too. And your brain is ransacked for something, anything to say.

But the only words of comfort you find for them, are lies.

Lover Lydia Scharer ’23

Goose the Hen

Nina Cohen-Perlmutter ’23

Perin Fine ’23

Texture, Touch and Feel

Sahana Miduturu ’23

Nails on a chalkboard the screeching noise, the horrible touch, the dust send shivers down my spine and can’t undo in my mind

Scratching a cat behind its ears the shine, the softness, the smoothness so soothing and fluffy always touches my heart

The feel of a leather couch firm but gentle it’s the best place to have snacks and sit, watch TV, and relax

Outside View

Kesariya Nallari-Jhala ’23

Pine Tree

Sahana Miduturu ’23