1 minute read

Beach Blanket

Words by Danielle Dillenschneider

Infnitesimal grains of sand cling to your folds, your seems. Once shaken, you teach us the art of loss— As these grains fing out, you will not fear privation, for soon you’ll fnd Plenty itself. As this union is attained, you give us a place to settle, and to likewise lose— As I lay me down to bathe, the sun does come with its waves, and as particles seep into skin, my worries weep and dry like gin. Ten in this pure inebriate state, we wander in our newfound deliverance— But if lost, we’ll discover you again, oh patchwork quilt, and you’ll remind us of our multifarious hues and histories, the wide welded world as seen from on high. Finding our place, we lose ourselves amongst the infnities of salt and sand.
