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The Potting Shed



Hello everyone

You’re all very welcome back to my potting shed. In recent weeks we’ve had snow, frost, winds, and almost constant rain. So, without wishing the year away, here’s something to look forward to… the clocks go forward on Sunday 25th March. As I’m out in my garden, I notice a little extra daylight each day.

St Valentine’s Day is the 14th of this month and the little-known Random Acts of Kindness Day is on the 17th. I try to celebrate that every day of the year.Your winter fl owering shrubs should be pruned back as soon they have fi nished fl owering. Winter fl owering Jasmine, Jasminium Nudi-Florum, benefi ts from timely pruning so please do it now.

This is a good time of year to create a small rock garden – an interesting home for alpines. Use 8-10 moderate-sized rocks, and fi ll the spaces with good soil.

I’ll gladly share with you something I learned a couple of years ago: fruit trees growing in grass often achieve little growth because they are starved of nitrogen. This can be remedied by feeding now with sulphate of ammonia or nitrogen chalk – use about 4oz (in old money) per tree.

Prep now for asparagus planting. The ground must be really clean and deeply dug, then wellmanured to the depth of a spade.Please don’t forget our precious wildlife at this time of year. Check your bird tables for seed and put out suet and fat balls and of course some fresh water.

I’m so much looking forward to the coming spring and growing season, I hope you are too. Pondering with a co ee under a big oak the other day, an old saying came to my mind: “Children, marriages, and gardens always refl ect the care they get.”

Right, I’m o to check the bird tables. Have a great month and remember to see life as it is but focus on the good things.


My kindest regards The Gentleman Gardener