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Editor’s Note

My Favorite Things

My 2 ½-year-old and I spent a chilly morning making these easy bird feeders. All you need is pipe cleaners and some Cheerios (yes, you can use those stale ones sitting in your pantry -- the birds don’t care!). Thread the cereal onto the pipe cleaners and bend into any shape you’d like. We hung them from trees using twine.


Holy cuteness! My son can’t get enough of this sea turtle-themed outfit from Doodle Pants. He calls the super-soft cotton leggings his “yoga pants,” but he especially digs the matching 3D sweatshirt. It has a built-in turtle shell “backpack” that he can stuff full of all sorts of random toddler things.

editor’s note

Though it’s not necessarily the most beautiful season (I’m looking at you bare branches and mountains of mud) there is something special about spring in the Bay State. Slowly, the days get longer, warmer, and sunnier as winter melts away, and there’s an anticipation in the air for what’s to come.

Sure, in Massachusetts we never really know what spring will bring. We could be ready to pull out our shorts one day and buried in snow the next, but one thing is for sure: the transition is here; summer is coming. And while that hot, sticky season may still be months away, now is the time to start planning for it. Especially if you’re thinking about summer camp.

Is it possible to get your kid into camp the day before it starts? Sure, but you may be dealing with limited options if you wait too long. According to the American Camp Association, summer camp enrollment has experienced steady growth over the last five years, so give yourself time to find a camp that meets your child’s needs before it fills up. In the spring, it’s still early enough to have plenty of options. From traditional day camps, to overnight or sports or specialty camps, you’ll find tips in this issue to get prepared whatever you choose for your child this summer.

Without getting too ahead of ourselves, we’ve also got plenty of ideas for you to savor spring. March is Maple Month in Massachusetts, and there is plenty of maple-themed fun to enjoy. You can find some of the sweetest things to do this month page 36. (Pancakes, anyone?)

Looking for more springtime fun? How about adorning those bare tree branches with some ornaments for the birds? You’ll find an easy nature DIY on page 13.

As always, our extensive calendar, Adventures, has even more ideas for family fun. Turn to page 28 to see what’s happening this month, and be sure to check baystateparent.com for updated listings.

Happy planning, and happy spring!


One of my favorite things to do this time of year is visit a Sugar Shack for a stack of pancakes and fresh maple syrup. But syrup’s not just for flapjacks. Head to baystateparent.com for our recipe for Maple Pecan Chicken Tenders. It’s one of my family’s all-time favorite dinners!

This new little board book from Highlights is so sweet. From A to Z, it illustrates the many ways young children can make the world a kinder place, whether it be donating blankets to the animal shelter, helping with chores, or standing up for what’s right. “ABCs of Kindness” is by Samantha Berger and available at highlights. com.