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Extracurricular Information

Instruction, Bell Schedule, Transportation, Food Service, and Extracurricular Information

❏ Students will be taught synchronously regardless of their learning location. ❏ Students who choose remote learning will remain remote for the duration of the semester and will be taught by their same teacher with their same classmates. ❏ Students who choose hybrid will be in their classrooms on their Chromebooks logged in with their remote classmates, but they will have the benefit of interacting personally with their teachers and hybrid peers. ❏ The vast majority of faculty will be on campus, and all classrooms will be supervised at all times. ❏ All Monday Sessions and Afternoon Sessions will be held remotely. ❏ Any variance to the schedule will be communicated as early as possible. ❏ Bell schedule for remote and in-person hybrid instruction for the 2020-2021 school year:

Music Classes

❏ Music classes will incorporate instructional activities that can be done safely to minimize the spread of particles.

❏ Each student who plays a wind instrument in the band program has their own wind instrument to use (there will be no sharing of wind instruments). ❏ The district will provide guidance on appropriate conditions for singing and playing wind instruments, and other instructional activities for music classes. ❏ Each band and choir student will be required to wear and use appropriate PPE including school-supplied reusable and washable singer’s masks, instrumentalist masks, and bell covers. ❏ Instrument storage areas will be accessed on a rotating basis to ensure social distancing, and cannot be used to store any personal items other than music instruments. ❏ Music stands, percussion instruments, guitars, pianos, and other shared equipment will be cleaned between each student group and will be personal to an individual student while in use.

Lab Classes (Applied Tech, Family Consumer Science, Science, and Visual Art)

❏ Supplies, media, and equipment use will be limited to consumables or individual use. ❏ If shared equipment is used, it must be personal to an individual student while in use, and sanitized before and after use with the district approved cleaning solution. ❏ Materials will be placed in such a way as to minimize movement around the room.

Hallway, PE, and Athletic Lockers

❏ Hallway, PE, and athletic lockers will not be used. Students attending on the hybrid in-person schedule will be allowed to bring coats and backpacks to class and those items should be stored as directed by the teacher. Students should leave valuables at home to prevent them from being lost or damaged.

Physical Education

❏ All students will participate in their physical education classes, but locker rooms will not be available for students to change clothes. Students should come to school dressed comfortably for PE, and must wear sneakers/gym shoes to participate in class activities safely.


❏ Students will be temperature checked and asked COVID screening questions PRIOR to loading the bus in the morning. If the student has a fever over 100.4 or answers yes to one or more of the COVID screening questions, the student will have to return home and not attend school that day. If the student is not allowed to board the bus, Fenton will contact the parent or guardian. ❏ Students and staff will have access to hand sanitizers on buses. ❏ Eating and drinking are not allowed on busses.

❏ Maximum of 24 students will be allowed on a bus ❏ The bus will be loaded starting from the back to the front, and will unload starting from the front to the back. ❏ Staff will wipe down hand railings and seats with disinfectant between routes. ❏ Staff will use a medical-grade disinfectant and electrostatic sprayer before the PM routes take place, and following the PM routes’ completion, to ensure the busses are clean for the next morning’s routes.

Breakfast / Lunch In-Person Instruction

❏ Breakfast and lunch will be picked up outside of door 1 from 8am-1pm. Lunches and breakfast will be issued for 4 days and 3 days to cover a 7 day week. The distribution will be a grab and go format and will be available each day at no charge to students through the 2020-2021 school year. Students will need to take breakfast and lunch home.

Students will not be allowed to eat in common areas or classrooms for safety reasons.

❏ It is recommended that students save their breakfasts for the next morning as breakfast will need to be eaten prior to coming to school. All breakfast and lunch meals will be pre-packaged and wrapped for take out.

Athletics and Activities

❏ Students may participate in after school athletics and competitions following IHSA bylaws, local health department approval, and assurance that all safety protocols are followed. The district will host competitive sports so long as the state allows. IHSA Guidelines can be found online. ❏ Fenton will limit hosting in-person events until larger groups of individuals may share a space. Fenton will provide families with opportunities to engage in either virtual (real-time) or pre-recorded activities. Student extra-curricular activities and athletics (in-person) are addressed in a section below. ❏ The district will adhere to the IDPH, ISBE, and IHSA guidance on extracurricular events and activities. If allowed, these agencies may impose additional limitations on the number of visitors/guests permitted. Please note that these restrictions may vary by activity and season throughout the year.

Theatre and Music Performances

❏ The school district will continue to work to ensure that our students have the opportunity to participate live rather than pre-recorded, in various performance opportunities to the greatest extent possible, primarily through digital platforms. When students can perform in-person, we are committed to ensuring that we can do so safely.