3 minute read

PrimAry PAtAnA tiger tAlks

Year5 students have been demonstrating how they are fully embracing Bangkok Patana’s values of Learning and Global Citizenship by being ‘active students of the environment and our communities’ and ‘collaborative and confident communicators’. They tasked themselves with raising awareness and understanding of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), choosing one they were passionate about to present in a podcast.

To be successful, they researched their chosen goal and become ‘experts’. They also listened to a number of podcasts to learn about the different styles in which podcasts can be presented. Working together, Year 5 students wrote and improved their podcasts, making them interesting and informative, but also engaging and entertaining. One group actually composed their own musical introduction and worked on the post-production of the podcast!

Check out the Primary Patana Tiger Talks Podcast on Spotify!


Our nursing team is available from 7:30am to 4:00pm. Requests received after this time will be addressed the following day. If you are aware that your child will require a wheelchair, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can prepare a designated wheelchair for your child at a convenient location. For any other questions, please contact our nurse at nurse@patana.ac.th


For the safety of all students and community members, do not pick up and drop off students at the taxi rank outside True Coffee. This not only violates traffic laws, but also poses a danger to individuals using taxis as they have to step into oncoming traffic in the second lane to enter their taxis. Additionally, please avoid parking or picking up/dropping off students in front of Soi 39 or 39/1 as it blocks the entry and can cause traffic congestion.

Transport Corner

With Primary Residential weeks approaching, we kindly remind parents to plan in advance for transportation arrangements on both the departure and return dates. If there are any changes, please inform us via email at transport@paptana.ac.th in advance.

Primary Residential Weeks 1 and 2:

During the Primary Residential Trips (30th January – 3rd February and 6th – 10th February), the following ECA activities will take place:

• Dutch Group Key Stage 2 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays)

• Tigersharks Swim Academy (Year 3 and above)

• Gymnastics Academy Team Training

• Tennis Academy – Key Stage 2

• Football Academy – Key Stage 2 Thursdays and Tuesdays

• Golf Team Training, Key Stage 2 Wednesday

Please note that all other ECA activities will be suspended.

Reminder for Non-Residential Students:

From 30th January to 3rd February and 6th – 10th February, students who are not on the Residential Trip and are in school will travel home on a 2.30pm bus, unless they have one of the ECAs mentioned above. Please note that the composition and routes of the buses may vary during this week. You will be informed via email or SMS if there are any changes to your child’s normal pick-up time in the morning.

Year 4 Residential Transport

Monday of Residential Week: School transportation will operate as usual. No ECAs are scheduled. Students will be provided with a bus home at 2:30pm.

Tuesday of Residential Week: Buses will be provided to school as normal, but parents who prefer to bring their child to school using their own transportation must cancel the bus in advance to avoid delays for other users.

Friday of Residential Week: All school transportation for students returning from a Residential is cancelled. Parents who wish for their child to take the 2:30pm bus home must contact transportation to book a seat.

Year 5 Residential Transport

Monday Morning: School transportation will be provided as normal, but parents who will be bringing their child to school must cancel the bus in advance to avoid unnecessary delays for other users.

Thursday of Residential Week: All school transportation for students returning from a Residential is cancelled. Parents who wish for their child to take the 2:30pm bus home must contact transportation to book a seat.

Friday of Residential Week: School transportation will operate as usual. No ECAs are scheduled. Students will be provided with a bus home at 2:30pm.

Year 6 Residential Transport

Monday Morning: School transportation will be provided as normal. Parents who will be bringing their child to school must cancel the bus in advance to avoid unnecessary delays to other users.

Friday of Residential Week: All school transportation home for students returning from a Residential is cancelled. Parents who wish for their child to take the 2:30pm bus home must contact transportation to book a seat.

Foundation Stage Students

Transportation to and from school will operate as normal.

Year 1 and Year 2 Students:

Transportation to and from school will operate as normal. All students will be on their default bus home at 2:30pm, as ECA Block B has finished.

Year 3 Students

Transportation to and from school will operate as normal. All students will be on their default bus home at 2:30pm, as ECA Block B has finished. However, the following exceptions apply:

• Dutch Group Key Stage 2 (Tuesdays and Wednesdays)

• Tigersharks Swim Academy Year 3 and above.

• Gymnastics Academy Team training.

• Football Academy – Key Stage 2 Thursdays and Tuesdays

• Golf Team Training, Key Stage 2 Wednesday

Secondary Students

ECAs will continue as normal until Friday 3rd February.