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Meet The Sponsors


With thanks to all our partners and sponsors...



Mad Dog 2020 Casting is delighted to be an official TV Craft partner for 2020, in what has been another excellent year of television.

We have been supplying supporting artists for 21 years across the UK, for television, film and commercial productions. Much like the Television Craft Awards nominees, our supporting artists help bring a production to life and, in partnering with BAFTA for this year’s Awards, we are overjoyed to celebrate the craftspeople within the industry.

We currently hold a partnership with The Production Guild and are committed to supporting the talent not only in front of the screen but behind the scenes, too. Mad Dog 2020 Casting believes in supporting and equipping the next generation of filmmakers and equally endorsing roles in all aspects of television production. Supporting existing and emerging talent of the unsung heroes in the industry is incredibly important to us – allowing creativity to flourish. We support this in our sponsorship of Screen Alliance Wales, celebrating the next generation of creatives to make an impact on the future of television. Like BAFTA, we are passionate about championing the creatives behind the screen and celebrating the artistry and valuable talent that work so hard on creating the superb television of today.

Mad Dog 2020 Casting provided background artists for some of the most popular television productions to come out of the UK in recent years, from Peaky Blinders to His Dark Materials, The Nest, Jack Ryan and Sex Education. We are delighted to see several productions that we have provided artists for in the line-up of nominees this year.

At Mad Dog 2020 Casting, we know how important it is to assemble a winning team and ensure a production process runs smoothly. We are dedicated to bringing the best in background casting, supporting homegrown talent and diversity in all aspects of television production. We’re raising a virtual glass to this year’s nominees; we look forward to enjoying the online ceremony this year. Thank you for your contribution to a wonderful year of television and we wish you all the best of luck.

Visit: maddog2020casting.com



3 Mills Studios is proud to continue its support of the Director: Fiction category at the British Academy Television Craft Awards in what has been another momentous year for high-end television drama. By partnering with BAFTA on these Awards, we are shining a light on the work of those behind the camera and helping the charity fulfil its mission to bring the very best work in film, games and television to public attention, and support the growth of creative talent in the UK and internationally.

While any production is the result of great collaboration among hundreds of people, the buck stops with the director. In today’s context, we are more reliant than ever on the ability of the director to apply their creative vision into practical solutions, so that productions can successfully navigate the new challenges ahead.

3 Mills Studios is London’s island of creativity and has been the home of many of the UK’s most popular television dramas and their directors. We hope the exceptional creative talent in this category will serve as an inspiration to the future directors of British television – and 3 Mills Studios will be here to help those directors bring their stories to our screens.

Visit: 3mills.com



The Farm provides the very best post-production talent and facility solutions for award-winning programmes in London, Bristol, Salford and Manchester. As a company with a technical core, we are known for excellence, innovation and reliability.

The Farm is proud to have recently established a Time For Action team, focused on reaching out to the next generation of talent from all ethnic, gender and socio-economic backgrounds. As role models, our goal is to actively share at an early age the dynamic range of careers available within our industry, to suit all personalities, skills and interests.

In this current climate, where we have learnt that many roles within our industry can work remotely, we can be truly geographically agnostic. No matter where based, we can now open up opportunities to those who previously might have felt our world was a closed one.

We are a creative industry with a responsibility to inform and influence as well as entertain. Ensuring our industry voice is diverse is essential to represent and reflect a true cultural balance to our audiences. We congratulate all of this year’s BAFTA nominees and winners and look forward to us all working together in the future to drive real change.

Visit: farmgroup.tv



Hotcam has supported the television, film, media and leisure industries with multi-camera equipment hire, technical design, engineering, production services and crew for more than 25 years. We are leaders in technically designing and implementing versatile, seamless and cost effective alternatives to an OB truck. For any size of production, location, venue and budget, Hotcam has the solution. Clients consider Hotcam an integral part of their production team, quite simply because we have the knowhow, expertise and an unbeatable track record.

Our team is skilled at mobilising kit and crew to domestic and international locations and has provided systems for a multitude of highly prestigious, awardwinning productions, many of which are recognised by BAFTA year-on-year.

At the heart of any successful production is the creativity, talent and vital collaboration of a team. Covid-19 has presented unfathomable challenges for our industry this year, and many creators and technicians have been negatively impacted. Consequently, Hotcam believes that there’s never been a more appropriate time to focus on supporting the dedication and loyalty of these unsung behind-the-scenes heroes. So, we are even more passionate than ever about sponsoring the Entertainment Craft Team category this year.

We take great pride in collaborating with BAFTA for the 14th consecutive year, to deliver these new groundbreaking digital awards for 2020. We will delight in popping a cork or two in honour of all the nominees and winners, as we recognise their outstanding contributions to their craft and our industry.

Visit: hotcam.tv



Jackshoot is an award-winning live broadcast facilities and multi-cam production company that can capture a client’s content from multiple sources and deliver to any digital platform, often live (or as live, as soon as an event starts). We specialise in designing complex broadcast solutions to cater for increasingly innovative content and event ideas, meaning clients can get creative with their content and event creation and distribution.

We have been using remote production techniques in our live online broadcasts for many years, however, Covid-19 has accelerated an expansion of our services and we are increasingly being asked to provide our bestof-breed services and facilities to the screen industries.

Operating the vision mix and broadcast operations from our remote gallery to the screen helps to reduce the number of production crew required on-site and enables contributors to work remotely, reducing the need for travel and unnecessary social interactions. Our in-house broadcast operations team can help more people across the globe access your production or broadcast via multiple online channels. We can hit any platform on the planet.

Visit: jackshoot.com



The British Academy Television Craft Awards is a high profile accolade honouring and acknowledging the vital contribution made by those working behind the camera. These Awards raise awareness of the number of vital cogs involved in making a production come to fruition. It is a privilege for M∙A∙C to be involved with the incredible work that these people do every day.

The Make Up & Hair Design category reinforces M∙A∙C’s ongoing support to the industry and honours the creativity of the make up and hair designer who brings a character and plot to life. M∙A∙C is a professional brand whose DNA is steeped in the industry’s word-of-mouth culture. Make up artists using M∙A∙C products on set keep our brand story alive and this is a way of giving back and acknowledging that support.

Visit: maccosmetics.co.uk



Microsoft is proud to be supporting the British Academy Television Craft Awards for the fifth year running. Celebrating the UK television industry’s unsung heroes, the Production Design category is important to us as it not only celebrates the incredible creative talent behind the scenes of our most beloved television programmes, but also raises awareness for the sheer amount of hard work and dedication it takes to bring them to fruition.

In what has been another fantastic year for British television, and in a time where quality content is more important to us than ever, the nominated designers in this category have amazed us by creating the most awe-inspiring worlds; allowing us to truly lose ourselves in a character’s journey and indulge in a little escapism. Without them, these stories could not be told. They inspire us with their creativity and innovation.

Over the past year, and many years before that, Microsoft has been hard at work behind the scenes, supporting production designers with prop provisions from its range of devices, along with software and Xbox gaming clearances to enable them to tell a realistic, true to life and compelling visual story.

Visit: microsoft.com / ben.productplacement.com



As agents, we seek out diverse talent, nurture that talent and enable and empower all of our clients to be the very best they can be. Our values are identical to those that BAFTA demonstrates through its many Learning and New Talent initiatives (Scholarships, BAFTA Crew, Breakthrough Brits, Elevate) and in its Awards, celebrating excellence across all the craft grades.

As agents for more than 200 freelancers, we have seen first-hand how devastating the last few months have been for the television freelance community. Therefore, it is even more special to be able to celebrate freelance talent at the BAFTA Television Craft Awards this year.

We are hugely proud to be sponsoring the Breakthrough Talent category for the eighth year and, in this Covid-19 world, full of new challenges for all of us in television, it is vital that we celebrate and support the very best of craft talent for the next generation.

Visit: saraputt.co.uk



ScreenSkills is the industry-led skills body for the UK’s screen industries. We help grow and sustain the skilled and inclusive workforce which is the foundation stone of the UK’s global screen success.

The High-end TV Skills Fund, managed by ScreenSkills, supports career development opportunities for crew and talent working in high-end television, from new entrants to executives. Since the fund was established in 2013 at the same time as the tax credit, more than £16m has been invested in identifying skills gaps and funding practical training programmes to support people from all backgrounds and the whole of the UK to enter and progress in the industry – supporting the production of the outstanding content being celebrated by BAFTA.

We congratulate all the Photography & Lighting: Fiction nominees and thank all the nominated productions across all categories who contribute to the High-end TV Skills Fund.

The Covid-19 crisis has thrown up new challenges – but the old ones have not gone away. We have responded to the immediate demands by developing coronavirus basic awareness on production training that is available free online. We are also delivering mental health training to help heads of departments and managers support their crews to return to production.

However, pre-Covid concerns, including creating a more inclusive workforce and supporting talent in the nations and regions, remain a priority. We plan new iterations of successful programmes, such as First Break for those from disadvantaged backgrounds. Unconscious bias remains an important area where we are seeking to give the industry a better understanding of how they can effect real change.

During the pandemic, we moved much of our training online and the development of effective online learning will make it easier for people to access quality training, wherever they are based in the UK, such as our conhensive leadership and management programme. Current support also includes expert-led learning sessions, with insights from productions from Doctor Who to Peaky Blinders.

Our established programmes, such as Trainee Finder, with paid placements for new entrants, and Make a Move, to help people step up into a more senior role will continue to help build capacity. This will be important in ensuring the industry bounces back.

Visit: screenskills.com



Shure is proud to be supporting the Sound: Factual category for the first time at the British Academy Television Craft Awards in 2020. Continuing to celebrate those who create the most exciting and incredible pieces of television is important, now more than ever in the current, uncertain climate.

The Television Craft Awards celebrate those who have created extraordinary television. The nominees in our supported Sound: Factual category delivered exactly that, something that is shared by Shure products worldwide. Our products aim to outperform and outlast the competition, they are designed to be the very best. For almost 100 years, we’ve engineered our passion into audio innovations that deliver consistently flawless sounds. Our audio provides you with the proven audio engineering to make the extraordinary happen.

We’re incredibly excited to be partnering with BAFTA and having the opportunity to celebrate such talent. Good luck to all of the nominees.

Visit: shure.com/en-gb



With a mission to connect the best acting talent with great roles, Spotlight has always recognised that every successful television show relies on the expertise of a team of professionals, both in front and behind the camera.

Spotlight has campaigned for the recognition of casting directors for almost 20 years, so we’re delighted to be the first official sponsor for the Scripted Casting category and to support BAFTA and the industry in this way. We’re well aware how crucial this craft is to the industry – casting directors bring characters to life on screen with their choices, so it’s important to celebrate this skill.

Visit: spotlight.com