9 minute read

Moving On Up

The Utah-based creative behind popular lifestyle blog, Pink Peonies, Rachel Parcell is in the midst of building an empire—now including her eponymous women’s fashion line—as well as a new home, all while juggling the mom hustle with two Minis, Isla and Jackson.

MINI | Thank you for inviting us into your home! Where do you spend the most time in your home, currently?

RACHEL PARCELL | I spend most of my time in my kitchen with my kids, whether that’s coloring with Isla, cooking, or having chats with my sisters. The kitchen is the heart of our home.

MINI | We know you’re building a new home— what are you most looking forward to about the new place?

RACHEL PARCELL | I’m most excited for my kitchen. Like I said, most of our days and nights are spent there and I’m so excited to spend the mornings making my kids breakfast and spending time with friends and family building memories.

MINI | Any there any elements that the new home will have that you didn’t have before?

RACHEL PARCELL | A swimming pool. We wanted somewhere that we can spend time as a family all summer long. As a mom, I wake up really early to workout, so I am also excited to be able to walk downstairs instead of driving to a gym. Hopefully, it will give me 30 minutes of extra sleep!

MINI | What elements will you be incorporating into your kids’ rooms?

RACHEL PARCELL | For Isla’s room, [something] girly yet sophisticated and for Jackson, bright yet masculine. I want something that will be able to age with them. We plan on our children growing up in this home. It is very expensive to furnish and decorate, so I want something that will be timeless, that we won’t have to change multiple times.

MINI | Since you’re now a mom of two, tell us about your day-to-day! What time do you get up?

RACHEL PARCELL | I wake up between six and seven to get my workout done while my babies are still sleeping. They usually wake up around 8:30. We eat breakfast in our jammies and spend quality time together. Mornings are my favorite with my babies. I get Isla ready, drive her to school, and while I’m waiting for her, I try to get most of my meetings in. It’s definitely a juggling act being a working mom. I try to strategize and plan so I am able to maximize my time with my kids while still running my businesses.

MINI | What are the biggest changes you’ve experienced going from one child to two?

RACHEL PARCELL | It is double the work, but definitely double the joy! I’m not going to lie, having two kids is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Especially because I am juggling two kids, working, and being a wife. But it is so worth it!

MINI | As a mom to just Isla at the time, what were your thoughts when you found out you were pregnant with Jackson?

RACHEL PARCELL | I was so nervous at first because it was such a surprise and Isla Rose was only eight months old! I had nine months to mentally prepare myself though and we can’t imagine life without our bear (Jackson’s nickname).

MINI | How did you decide on your kids’ names?

RACHEL PARCELL | I wanted something beautiful yet sophisticated for both. Jackson Walter is a family name and we loved the idea of carrying on the tradition. It sounded masculine and professional as well. We actually don’t call him Jackson that often— we call him the brother bear most of the time. I was going to name Isla Scarlet until I had her. I looked at her and she didn’t look like a Scarlet. We had Isla written as a name option on the whiteboard in our hospital room when my sister-in-law brought me a dozen pink roses. I saw Isla written out by the roses and I instantly knew she was Isla Rose pronounced like eye-la.

MINI | What is most important to you in raising your kids?

RACHEL PARCELL | To be kind, giving, and hard working. I want them to know who they are, where they came from, and where they are going. Decisions determine destiny so I pray that I can provide them with all of the tools on how to be a good person and make wise choices for their future.

MINI | What do you love most about raising your kids in Utah?

RACHEL PARCELL | It’s so family-oriented and there are so many moms in the same stage of life as me. I have such a strong mama friend group and we all support and inspire each other. I couldn’t get through motherhood without them.

MINI | Your career has really taken off! How do you manage to keep all of the plates spinning?

RACHEL PARCELL | I honestly don’t know. I have a hard time shutting my mind off. I’ve always been a thinker and a creative person. I’m constantly dreaming up different ideas.

MINI | What do you think is the greatest challenge of being a working mom?

RACHEL PARCELL | Finding balance. I often struggle with guilt when I’m working and not with my babies. And guilt when I’m with my babies, and not working. It’s getting better and has gotten easier since Isla started going to preschool. As moms, we are so hard on ourselves and I think we need to remember that we’re all doing better than we think we are!

MINI | You’ve also been documenting your fitness journey on Instagram! Tell us what you’ve been doing— what is your everyday fitness routine like?

RACHEL PARCELL | I’ve been doing BBG (Bikini Body Guide). It’s a workout plan you can do at home or at the gym. I do it with all my mama friends in the mornings. I have a better body after having two kids than I had before which is so crazy! Plus, not only do I feel better physically, but mentally I feel happier and more energetic for my kids.

MINI | How have you changed your diet to follow your new fitness routine?

RACHEL PARCELL | I really tried to cut all sugar out (apart from weekends— balance is everything!) and I try to not go crazy on the carbs. I’ve also upped my protein intake. I use Fitness Carli’s meal plan and Clean Simple Eats.

MINI | Has your style changed at all since becoming a mom?

RACHEL PARCELL | My style is classic and feminine with a little edge, and has definitely toned down since becoming a mom. More practical pieces. lots of athleisure, but I still love to dress up for date nights and church.

MINI | Tell us about your skincare routine.

RACHEL PARCELL | Right now, I’m loving the Beauty Bioscience products. They sell an athome microneedling tool that helps prevent aging. Their packaging is beautiful too. I also exfoliate with a warm washcloth every night. I swear by that!

MINI | What do you think is the one thing about motherhood no one really warns you about?

RACHEL PARCELL | How exhausting mentally and physically it is. My little Jackson is a mama’s boy and wants to live on my hip all day. My back kills most of the time and when my head hits the pillow, I’m totally exhausted. But I wouldn’t trade the backache for anything!

MINI | You’ve just had back to back babies, but do you think there are more kids in your future?

RACHEL PARCELL | Definitely! We ideally want two more, but I might only have the energy for one more baby. I get super sick when I’m pregnant, so we’ll see! I make it a priority to be a hands-on mom so I don’t want to bite off more than I can chew. We’ll wait a while to have another baby since my two are so close in age right now.


BEFORE KIDS, I NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD Know every single word to the Tangled movie.

CAN’T STOP LISTENING TO The Greatest Showman.

FAVORITE KIDS BOOK I Love You Head to Toe.


GUILTY PLEASURE Popcorn, Diet Coke, and of course, chocolate.

ON MY NIGHTSTAND My favorite candle, Aquaphor, diapers, and wipes.

ALWAYS IN MY FRIDGE Greek yogurt and eggs.

FAVORITE KIDS MOVIE Beauty and the Beast.

SIGNATURE SCENT Jo Malone English Pear and Freesia.

IF I HAD MORE TIME I WOULD... Get my nails done!

IDEAL DATE NIGHT... Dinner, sweats, and smores!

MY GREATEST JOY IS... Watching my kids happy and healthy!

Photography by Paige Sovic