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“Jordan, not only are you an amazing young lady, but you are an amazing nurse! Your kindness to our patients on the Kendrick unit does not go unnoticed. I see you always taking on the extra time to do basic things that not everyone slows down to take care of. I have heard many patients tell me that they can always trust you and that of all the nurses, you are the one that stands out. You’re determination, attention to detail, and kind heart make for all the best traits of a nurse. Not only are you great with patients but you are also a great coworker. You are someone that I know will become a great resource to the unit. Thank you for choosing to be a nurse. Your patients are lucky to have you.

What makes you passionate about your work?


As nurses, we take care of people when they are in the most vulnerable of positions. It is my honor and my passion to create an environment in which each patient feels safe. Establishing a genuine bond with my patients is an important part of my nursing philosophy. I strive to take care of patients and their families with compassion to ad- dress the needs that are most important to them.

What’s an accomplishment you are proud of?

Being nominated for the AZ Daily Sun’s Nurses Week celebration is an accomplishment that I am grateful for and proud of. However, with any achievement in my nursing career, I feel that my team is the

“foundation for any successes. My coworkers and mentors on the unit have supported me and given me the confidence to become the best nurse I can be.

What is the most important thing you’ve learned so far?

The most important lesson I’ve learned so far is to be kind to myself even when I feel like I’m not meeting my own expectations.

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