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Rent Consultation

Following tenant consultation, rents increased by 5% on 1 April 2023. We fully appreciate that times are challenging for everyone at the moment. This increase, though, will allow us to continue to provide essential services as well as our planned and cyclical maintenance programmes. We received 220 responses to the consultation with almost 80% accepting of the need for an increase.


We would like to thank everyone who took the time to respond to our survey, all of your comments have been taken on board and this will allow us to shape and improve our services over the coming year.

Congratulations to Mrs Morgan of Orchard Avenue in Ayr who was the lucky winner of a £50 voucher.Wehopeyouenjoy spending it!

If you need support managing your finances you can contact your Housing Officer and ask for a referral to our Money Advice team. Call us on 01292 880120 or go to our website to find your Housing Officer: www.ayrshirehousing.org.uk https://bit.ly/shr-

We can supply this document in a print size to suit. It is also available in Braille, audio and other formats, and in other languages. Our website also has several accessibility features which you may find useful.

In our Autumn Newsletter we asked our tenants for nominations for our Good Neighbour Award. We wanted to hear from you if you have a neighbour that goes above and beyond, so we could give them the recognition they deserve. We had many worthwhile entries and loved hearing all the heart-warming stories. After careful consideration, a winner and 2 runners up were selected. Our overall winner is Thomas Kean from Ayr who was nominated by his neighbour for daily acts of kindness. Our two runners up are Terry Mulholland and Barbara Gibson, both from Ayr. All three neighbours will receive a gift voucher of their choice which we will present to them at a special afternoon tea in The Local.

Our Good Neighbour award will continue to run in our newsletters so if you would like to nominate your neighbour for a special prize please let us know by emailing: info@ayrshirehousing.org.uk or calling 01292 880120.