6 minute read

Headmaster’s Welcome

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the Aylesburian magazine for 2016-2017. This publication stands as the definitive historical reference for the School and so we hope that you enjoy reading the articles.

Our thanks go to Mr Dallas and the whole editorial team for this year’s production. We would also like to express our thanks to Mr Ramsbottom who, after many years as chief editor, has passed the baton on. His contribution to documenting the life of the School has led to many publications of the Aylesburian that have been enjoyed by parents, staff and students alike.

The examination cohorts of 2016 once again produced a fine set of outcomes. Their endeavours led to a record number of students achieving their first choice of university course and for the GCSE students gaining entry to the Sixth Form or College to further their studies.

These outcomes, important as they are, only demonstrate a small part of what Aylesbury Grammar School is as a school. Nonetheless, they placed us in the top 100 schools in England. The new accountability measure from the government (progress 8) was statistically significant to place us in the top 25% of Schools across the country. As this is a measure based on the students’ individual progress relative to their starting points, this is something for us to be rightly pleased with. However, we do not rest on our laurels and our evaluation of the examination series in 2016 has led to further developments across the curriculum in 2017.

As the academic year has progressed we have seen the departure of a number of key staff and governors. Mr Barth (Physics) retired in January 2017, Mrs Hughes (Mathematics and Pupil Premium Champion) departed in May 2017 and in the summer we say goodbye to Mr Friar (Chemistry), Mrs Lillywhite (French, Spanish, Classics) and Mrs Thomas (French).

On the governing body we have also lost the experience and expertise of Mr Paul Buckland (OA) who remains as a Foundation Trustee, but has had to step down as Chairman of the Aylesbury Grammar School Foundation and a Foundation Governor. We would like to thank Paul for all his contribution to the life of the School.

2016-2017 will be remembered for some interesting changes in global politics, desperate and heart breaking events across the world and a general sense of instability. It is now, therefore, that education stands as the true opportunity to reiterate the values we would wish of society. A time for Aylesbury Grammar School to continue to educate our young men in order that they reflect our values of respect and aspiration, of humility and excellence, and have the strength and courage to free themselves from the events that surround them in order to lead the next generation to a bright and peaceful future.

At the School over the year we have been visited by some phenomenal OAs and world renowned individuals. House Music was adjudicated by Jules Buckley (OA), we were visited by Theo James (OA) to open the Sixth Form refurbishment and in Science the new laboratories were opened by Professor Robert Winston.

As well as the Sixth Form and Science refurbishments, we also welcomed friends and colleagues of Professor William Mead (OA) to open the new Professor William Mead Library. The executors of Professor Mead’s estate opened the facility and we add our thanks to them for supporting such an important and exciting development for the School. It is the support of OAs, parents, governors, staff, local business, trusts and the government that has enabled us to make such a significant impact on the learning of the students across Science, the Sixth Form and the Library. We thank everyone who has made these developments possible.

I would like to pay my gratitude and thanks to the influential and irreplaceable, Gillian Miscampbell OBE. As a Foundation Governor, Trustee, former Chair and having seen six headteachers, sons and grandsons go through the School, after over 40 years service Gillian retires as an active governor. Her wisdom, guidance and sharp wit will be greatly missed and our immense thanks go out to her for all she has contributed over many years. We close out 2016-2017 with the anticipation of another set of examination outcomes in the summer, another year of learning and developing with the excitement of a new cohort of Aylesburians set to start their journey in September. Thank you to all the staff, parents, governors, students and friends of the School. We hope you enjoy this publication.

M Sturgeon Headteacher

Head Boy’s Reflections 2016 - 17

Get out there, do what you love doing, don’t let anyone knock you and just have a go.

This year stands to validate this statement immensely. Students’ eagerness to step out of their comfort zone and put themselves ‘out there’ has been epitomised this year by events such as House Music and House Public Speaking, where students from across all year groups stood up on the school stage and did something they were equally terrified and enthused by.

It was this aspirational environment that I endeavoured to maintain and encourage as Head Boy and something that I have been lucky enough to witness first hand. Having joined Aylesbury Grammar in year 9, I was instantly imbued by the energy and passion that was ingrained within this school. The academic year of 2016-17 has only served to bolster this and will be a year that will be etched in the memories of many as a year of great improvement, in terms of both the school infrastructure and the outlook of students. This year has marked significant progress in the continued evolution of AGS, with the implementation of the brandnew William Mead library and the refurbishment of the Sixth Form Centre, refreshing learning and providing an outstanding environment in which students can excel.

This material improvement has been paralleled by further internal advancements, as students of AGS continually demonstrate great character and individuality through a vast array of occupations. From astonishingly talented musicians to the sportsmen who are competing at national level in the likes of Kayaking, this passion has been nourished, with students continuing to show individuality whilst remaining strongly bound to the community that AGS provides. It is this tightknit, competitive yet harmonious community which remains at the epicentre of AGS. The development of this year 13 cohort is owed very much to such a community, which could not have been created without the tireless work of all those teachers who have supported us throughout our school lives. We owe an incredible debt to every teacher who has played a part in our lives over the last 7 years, and I would like to personally thank them all for their tireless, selfless work, even through the roughest of times.

To our year 13 cohort, I would like to thank you all for becoming such an extensive family of brilliant guys. It has been a pleasure to know you all so well, and to have spent my AGS career with you all. I feel wholly indebted to all the head boys of house and their deputies, who have helped so much this year with the organisation of countless events. To Michael Ng and Joe Kearney, my Deputy Head Boys of school, I owe my sincerest thanks. It has been a pleasure to lead this year with you both. I would like to wish everyone from AGS the best in the future, teachers and students alike. It has been an amazing year, thank you all.