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The Flanders vs Fulham Boys School, UK

The banning of dreadlocks is just one example of the control of hair by schools. There are many cases on the line of hairstyles generally for children of all different races, from skin heads, to shaved lines and designs in head. The case we’ve focused on today happened in Florida but I wanted to pick up on it because we had the same issue reported in the UK last year. On ITV’s “This Morning” on 15 September 2017.


Before she took the decision of Fulham Boys to ask for her son’s dreadlocks to be cut off to court for judicial review, the mother of Chickayzea Flanders was interviewed. Taken from YouTube, here’s the “This Morning” interview with Ruth Langsford and Eamonn Holmes interviewing Mrs Flanders and 12 year old Chickayzea Flanders

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