6 minute read

A Different Perspective

By Ava Rian Shelly

Patty Wagstaff is a legendary aerobatic pilot who has made a huge impact in the aviation world. Born in Saint Louis, Missouri in 1951, she grew up in a family with a strong connection to the aviation industry with her father being a pilot for Japan Airlines. Despite this early exposure, it wasn’t until her senior year of high school that she discovered her passion for flying. After taking a solo flight lesson, she knew that she wanted to make a career out of it, and went on to study to be a commercial-rated pilot and a Certified Flight Instructor. She holds type ratings in the TBM Avenger, T-28, L-39 and Tucano. Her sister, Toni, is a pilot for United Airlines.

Patty’s passion for flying continued to grow, and she became involved in aerobatic flying, which is a type of aviation that involves performing complex aerial maneuvers. Aerobatic flying was not a well-known or widely practiced sport at the time, but Patty was drawn to its excitement and challenge. She worked as a commercial pilot while also competing in aerobatic competitions, where her talent and skill quickly became apparent.

In 1991, she won her first U.S. National Aerobatic Championship, the first woman to do so; and in 1993, she won her first World Aerobatic Championship.

In addition to her competitive achievements, Patty was also a sought-after air show performer. Her aerial displays were thrilling and awe-inspiring, and she quickly became one of the most recognizable names in the air show world. She traveled the globe, performing at air shows and aviation events, captivating audiences everywhere she went.

Despite being a trailblazer in the field of aerobatic flying, Patty faced numerous challenges and obstacles. As a woman in a male-dominated industry, she faced significant barriers and criticism from those who believed that women were not capable of performing complex and dangerous aerial maneuvers. However, she refused to let these obstacles stand in her way, instead using them as motivation to prove her doubters wrong. Her hard work and determination paid off, and she became an inspiration to young people everywhere, especially to women and girls who were interested in pursuing careers in aviation.

Patty’s achievements in the field of aerobatic flying are a testament to her skill, determination, and bravery. She has won the prestigious “World Aerobatic Champion” title six times, and has been inducted into the National Aviation Hall of Fame and the International Women in Aviation Pioneer Hall of Fame. Her contributions to the aviation world have not gone unnoticed, and she has been honored with numerous awards and recognitions.

I have had the honor of flying with Patty, not once, but twice, at her aviation school in Saint Augustine, Florida. Her flight school is covered wall-to-wall with memorabilia from her past achievements, airshows, autographs, and the collection of a lifetime of aviation mementos. It was truly an honor to be in her hangar!

The Extra 300 we flew is just as beautiful as you can imagine. With a sleek design and classic paint job, it screams of speed! The pre-flight brief was quick and to the point: Parachute, check. Lesson plan, check. Buckled-in, check. GoPro on, check.

The first flight was an introduction to aerobatics, flying the sportsman sequence over Florida’s sunshine covered coast. It was amazing! Aileron rolls, loops, hammerheads, and more. I was hooked on aerobatic flight like never before. Patty gave me the controls often, and with her instructions, I felt confident executing the maneuvers. Her demeanor is pure business in the air; flying is a dangerous game, even more so when inverted.

My second flight with Patty was even better than the first. After completing the introduction flight, I was ready to grab the stick and do even more. The lesson didn’t disappoint, and we continued with technical skills and understanding the basics of aerodynamics better than before. The debrief with Patty is amazing because she is truly a wonderful person. Her dogs are always there to greet you when you get back to the hangar.

In addition to her aerobatic accomplishments, Patty is also known for her dedication to aviation education and her commitment to promoting the sport of aerobatic flying. She has served as a mentor to many aspiring aerobatic pilots, and has worked tirelessly to raise awareness about the sport and encourage more people to get involved. She has also been an advocate for aviation safety, using her platform to promote safe flying practices and to raise awareness about the importance of proper training and education.

Patty’s impact on the aviation world is undeniable, and she will always be remembered as one of the greatest aerobatic pilots of all time. Her story is a reminder of the importance of pursuing your passions and following your dreams, no matter how difficult the journey may be. She has inspired countless young people to pursue careers in aviation, and her legacy will continue to inspire generations to come.

Patty Wagstaff is a true aviation icon who has made an enormous impact on the world of aerobatic flying. Her achievements and contributions to the industry are unparalleled, and her story serves as a source of inspiration to people everywhere because of her dedication to aviation education and her commitment to promoting the sport of aerobatic flying.

I feel blessed to have Patty as a mentor and someone who helped break down barriers before I started my aviation journey, to the point where I don’t notice any discernible differences between myself and male students. I know that all of the female aviators before me are responsible for clearing this path that I walk. With a huge smile on my face, I enjoyed this ride over Saint Augustine, upside-down with Patty!