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MAKING a will is important at any stage of our lives. It ensures that when we pass away, our estate will be handled the way we planned. Furthermore, making a will ensures that our assets will go to the people we choose, giving peace of mind that our affairs are in order. Including a bequest in your will is also one of the easiest ways to continue supporting our community after death. A gift to Australian Rotary Health in you will can take the form of:

• Residuary Bequest – A gift of balance of your estate, or a percentage of it, after you’ve made gifts to family and friends.

• Pecuniary Bequest – A specific amount of money that you decide.

• Specific Bequest – A specified item such as shares, property, works of art, jewellery and other items of value.

Australian Rotary Health ensures that your bequest meets your wishes and is used effectively. To find out more about making a bequest to Australian Rotary Health, contact our office.

Willed is a trusted online platform and Australian Rotary Health invites you to receive 20% off your legal will. Every dollar helps! ARH