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MAKE ROOM Home Office Makeover

HOME OFFICE MAKEOVER Interior designer and entrepreneur Komal Sheth shares tips for transforming your home office.


Working from the couch might have its perks, but a few days and a backache later, an actual desk is tempting. Whether you have a room in your house dedicated to office space or your kitchen table doubles as a desk, you can transform your work-from-home setup into a productive space you’ll be happy to see every day.

Local interior designer Komal Sheth creates high-end commercial and residential spaces, including a variety of modern home offices. Her own office essentials include lots of natural light, comfortable seating and bright colors.

“I need a clutter-free space, so I am able to focus without any distractions,” Sheth says. “A space that has a lot of natural light has proven to be a very effective method to increase productivity, and greenery keeps the office fresh and increases my focus. A space which maximizes natural light through large windows makes people feel happier and healthier than dark spaces with artificial light.”

Sheth founded her design firm, Spaces Designed, in 2005 and over the past 15 years, she’s taken on a wide variety of projects throughout Austin. While any business presents challenges, Sheth says she never loses “sight of the fact [she’s] providing a service.” With a client-first mindset, she’s able to transform spaces into true homes.

“As a social entrepreneur and designer, I am fueled by the conviction that entrepreneurship and design can be a vehicle for social change,” she says. “I never feel like I'm going to work. It doesn't feel like a burden because I'm doing exactly what I want to do, and I have a passion for it. Starting my own business has been empowering, challenging and exciting all rolled into one [package]. Once I got through all the difficulties, I really grew into my own skin and believed in myself.”


1. “The first thing is to understand what the function of the space will be and what aesthetic will allow you to use the space to its fullest potential.”

2. “Look for inspiration in things such as magazines, social media or websites [to] spark some creativity. Think about the best layout for the office: where do you want your desk, do you want a seating area, etc.” 3. “After that, it’s time to start getting some of your thoughts out of the head and onto paper. According to feng shui, a system of laws considered to govern spatial arrangement and orientation in relation to the flow of energy, you should place your desk so that you are sitting in the ‘power position.’ This is the furthest spot from the entrance of the room. I consult feng shui quite often when designing spaces because I believe that a strong backbone for an office requires a good flow of energy in order to boost productivity.”

4. “Another tip is to choose the right colors. Incorporating color in your office can inspire you and create a welcoming environment for anyone who enters as well.”

5. “Lastly, natural lighting is important. Artificial light can be stifling and hinder creative or analytical thinking, so remember to try and have as many windows as possible and allow the sun to do what it does best and light up your space.”

“” Our home is our most important space. It’s where we feel comfortable and celebrate family.


Austin Woman magazine needed help— and our community of cover women answered the call.

For the past 18 years, Austin Woman magazine has celebrated, championed and shared the stories of women. When our founder, Melinda Garvey, created the magazine in 2002 with her Co-founder Samantha Stevens, she worried a magazine highlighting local women wasn’t sustainable. Would there be enough women to fill the pages month after month, year after year? Nearly two decades later, finding women to feature has never been a problem. There aren’t enough pages to recognize the women breaking barriers, fighting inequality, founding companies, transforming entire industries and leading our city. Before Austin was a trendy destination, the women in this city were putting it on the map.

This month, like countless other small business and local companies, Austin Woman was faced with the financial ripples of COVID-19. A May issue was no longer a guarantee— without some help. Garvey turned to the women who have always been our loudest and best cheerleaders: our former cover women. She asked if they would lean in and support us, so in turn we can continue to support all Austin women.

The responses were immediate and humbling. The women on the following pages stepped in to financially support Austin Woman to make this issue possible. Representing our first decade through this year, these women are pillars in their communities and industries, and they have changed Austin for the better. In the years since their cover stories, they have gone on to accomplish incredible things, continuing to pave a way for women behind them.

As these women have supported us, we hope you will support them. Many of them have been equally impacted by COVID-19 and yet continue to lift up the women in their communities. We asked each of them for specific ways we can help them, their businesses and the women in their circles. As you read their career updates, please also take them up on their asks for support if you can. From simply signing up for newsletters to donating financially to sharing resources, there are ways everyone can help.

A global pandemic is daunting, but there is comfort in knowing that regardless of circumstance, women will always support women. As we weather this storm together, we’re grateful for the support of our former cover women and grateful to call this beautiful city home. Thank you for the past two decades, and here’s to the next one.

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