1 minute read

Act Two: The Panel


The Panel set is made up of a very long white tables, white chairs and a hot pink curtain framed behind the table. There are two microphones downstage of the table which are used for actors to stand at to perform the transcripts. The back wall of the locker room flies out to reveal the women standing there. Actors then push the side walls of the locker room.

The aesthetic for this act was inspired by Parliament, court rooms and committee hearings. The set makes use of the sharp lines. There are no curves in these environments. However, the pink curtain is traditionally ‘feminine’ and has soft folds at the bottom of it.


The women wear corporate office outfits - heels, grey skirts and trousers, white shirts, and blazers. Moira, as their leader, wears a judge’s robe and wig.


The lighting is very bright and in cold tones.


Static noise, sirens, and low rumbles are used throughout. In the women’s dance the sound is very warped.